
It's inherited from her thumb.

He also looks like a thumb himself, so his statement is classic Republican projection.

Has there ever been a more punchable face?  

Best laugh I’ve had today, thank you!

I wonder why everyone forgot about his live in fuckboy. 🤔 

See also Hicks, Bill:

Matt Gaetz looks like the result of an all first cousins gangbang.

It’s the classic “I know you are but what am I?” defense.

Yes! As a fan of Carlin’s wit I recognized it right away too. Putting aside the political-incorrectness of Carlin’s zinger, Gaetz fails yet again. By flipping it, as you said, the situational irony is lost and it becomes a mere insult as lame as the Pompadour Pervert himself.

“Nobody wants to impregnate you if you look like a thumb.”

Why is this asshole still walking free? Finish that investigation and come get this dude already. Be nice to have a few years I didn’t have to see him in headlines.

This was exactly my first thought: finally the GOP has reached Peak Projection. Matt Gaetz looks like my grandpa’s big toe. 

Ironic, as Matt Gaetz is what Fetal Alcohol Syndrome looks like if it were a person.

When are the Feds going to prosecute this turd?  What is taking so long?

Says a guy that looks like his parents are first cousins.

Lock him up.

I try not to insult people’s looks since they don’t have control over it but *this* motherfucker is saying other people look like thumbs?!

Eat shit, blumpkin-lover.

Here we see an extremely common deflection technique used by a lot of pundits and politicians of Matt Gaetz’s ilk. He’s been told he looks like a thumb on twitter hundreds of times, so he then re-uses that insult on women to make himself feel better.

Actually he flip-plagiarized a George Carlin joke.

“Why is it the people who are against abortion are people you wouldn’t fuck in the first place?”