
Ppsssttt. Win 7 keys still work when you upgrade to 10. Just saying. I've been able to buy 7 keys and use them on 10 as of yesterday

For anyone still on the fence about jumping in, I’m an IT guy who manages an environment full of windows 10 machines, many that were upgraded from win7. It’s a good OS.

If you can get your hands on some Windows 10 installation media, you can still upgrade to win 10 using your current Win 7 key for free. Just need to make sure it’s the same version of Win 10 as your Win 7 version. 

This. And if you don’t have the fcking $1 to tip on buying another beer after cashing out with your current server, then eating out is not something you should be doing in the first place.

Said someone who obviously isn't working in a restaurant

I once had a table at lunch that kept me past my shift for two hours before the manager stepped in to ask them to cash out but this was an unusual circumstance: the check was really high due to them sitting and ordering drinks so it was more than just “$5" in tips I’d be losing (my wage, btw, was $2.35), plus they had

But that is not what is happening here. His server is being replaced. What if his server’s section is never “empty”. It’s the middle of the day, in theory there could always be someone there.

Yeah, the only time I see this is when I’m at somewhere watching a game for a few hours and having a few beers or more. It’s literally nothing for me to cash out my original waitperson and start a new tab with whoever’s next. I even make it a point to make sure I tip them for time over food/drinks so they’ll keep an

I always ask for my check when I see that a shift change is happening. I prefer to see that my tip goes to the right person. I can always get another check no big deal. Also kinja has not been letting me comment unless I use my phone which is a nuisance.

Yer bein’ a shrunken horse testicle in cold weather.

while console is indeed more convenient, pc is, for better or worse, superior. I run both pc and consoles. only in recent times has pc really begun to show up for me. I played Prey on console (Xbox one) and the game literally shit itself every time i used a special power (which is very often once you get them). so

No, I mean you’re just a full of shit person, who has absolutely not a single honest bone in his or her body. You live in that bullshit “plausible deniability” land along with every other racist fuck.

Listen, white customers.

If I went to get chicken wings and *didn’t* see black folk dining I would ask to be seated at a better restaurant.

You are so full of shit.

The comments under her post were downright horrific. It ranged from “Well Why didn’t you just move?” to “Was it really that big of a deal?” I want to know who in the fuck was the cracker that didn’t want anyone of color sitting by his or her pasty ass? Maybe those patrons didn’t want to sit by his pigmentally



“There was this bad guy, who did very bad things. He was the worst. You talk to anyone, and everyone hated him!...........But enough about Moscow Mitch!