
It’s fucking sad that it’s in my fucking state.

It’s sad that the special Olympics nominee whom you responded to (and the like) are dense as fuck, especially since they’re getting their federal funding nixed!

I drive from Shiawassee county to Livonia for work every day, and I have not been graced with this asshole’s presence. I consider myself lucky!

“I have to actually work to make things more equal, and more equitable. So do you. You clearly should have the knowledge and experience to know that and to do better. Most (white) people don’t, won’t, “can’t.” THAT’S THE PROBLEM.”

While that line and paragraph was “roll your eyes” infuriating, I started having palpitations at:

Like the majority of your writing, this is fucking beautiful. Thank you for everything that you do, all that you write, and staying on your path.

I can’t wait to see what the boot-licking retarded greys are gonna spin this as!

I’m glad that GOTG got the nod. I loved both Marvel films that year (plus all the other ones mentioned, even ASM2; they took a bunch of C-listers that I had barely heard of and turned them into a fun ride. Winter Soldier supplied the Russo brothers’ with a forever-pass for me, but James Gunn squeaks by with bringing

HA HA ha... *cries*

What the fuck does this have to do anything? Obama’s record on deportations? Congratulations, Trump is still the “biggest” dick of them all! Now sit down and shut up, or we’ll come to the faux news site and knock the orange dick outta your mouth. Just kidding, most of us actually have a job that we have to get to.

Hot Take: she knew what the other Dems were going to vote, but stuck to her guns (principled stand). Kudos to that at the very least.

It’s the doubling-down of behavior that’s most frustrating. There’s rarely a white person acting like “how can we do better for us, the people, and the world?” and more “let’s be dicks for the LOLz of it!” (see grey commenters for nearby examples).

Is it too far fetched to believe that Miller is trying to be Putin to Trump’s Yeltsin?

I’m mostly a lurker (at work, in incognito mode 85% of the time) but I wanted to let you know you’re doing a spectacular job, and if you had a newsletter, it would be in my favorites.

I’ve pondered on this for a long time and I’ve come to the conclusion that the MSM believes that calling that Shit-stain a liar would legitimize the whole “fake media” thing. But We (the royal we) already know the cat’s outta the bag and it won’t matter to the Trumpeteers anyway.

I don’t think I’ve been un-greyed on any of the sites yet (maybe io9).

There’s some on my FB feed going on about “the violent Left” and “the Right isn’t violent!” When I point out things like Heather Heyer, they don’t even acknowledge that.

When the officer (who was black) showed up, it seemed as though Walker didn’t have much to say:”

Of course you have to root for the karma for this fucker! The thing is, it’s a testament of Obama’s legacy that the economy/stock hasn’t already tanked.

Queue the fucks who always go “But it’s ILLE-gal! They should do it LE-gally!”