
treats LGBTQ like subhumans and does charming things like throw them off the roofs of the few tall buildings their primitive culture have been able to achieve?

Went out to get dinner from a local place just outside of Orlando. They had FOX on in the restaurant tracking TRump’s every move. Middle aged owner/mgr with a buzz cut savagely eyeing me looking for a reaction.

Because if they won’t scrape together the good sense to go away I want to laugh at them. They deserve to be laughed out of every room they walk into, even the empty ones.

I’m sure if we started calling lobbyists, oh say, bribers, which is what they are, the politicians would have issues with that as well.

And who let that out of the greys ...?

What’s the phrase they use? “F*ck their feelings”, was it?

You’re not an intelligent person and nobody values the things you have to say.

Dismiss numbers, it’s just tomatoface again.

Look at that. Grown adults, and worse yet, politicians, who don’t know what a concentration camp is. The USA has concentration camps, and children are being killed in them.

“hooting piglets”

Concentration camps were invented by the Spanish, during the Ten Years’ War in Cuba. Although they called them reconcentrados, (camps of reconcentration).

It’s just kinda galling to watch the people who’re freaking out over her (admittedly pathos-based-and-triggering) phrasing also praise Trump’s categorization of our undocumented immigration situation as “an invasion” (which is another pathos-steeped loaded label specifically designed to elicit an emotional response).

They are 100% concentration camps. They are for-profit concentration camps. They are there to indefinitely detain whole groups of people in a bid for a sort of “soft start” towards further ethnic cleansing.

I’m not particularly a “scholar” of WW II, but I did minor in history with a concentration in the European theater of that war—and I lived in Germany for five years (had the opportunity to visit Auschwitz, as well).

Based on that education and those experiences, I can only say the following:

Americans tend to conflate

Separating kids from families? Cool.

I guess we know her description is accurate from all those hit dogs hollering.

What it seems, to me, is not so much an argument over the use of the words “concentration camps” but rather the idea that these immigrants are suffering dehumanization at the hands of the U.S. government.

You know shit’s bad when the guy who came up with Godwin’s Law has to shut down MSNBC’s Chris Hayes for trying to inappropriately use it in this context.


But just look at the hooting piglets in red hats who still line up to devour his slop. They are a threat to all good and decent people.