
That sounds emotionally exhausting.

I guess I’m coming from the other way; this looks interesting... Clancy Brown? Sunofabitch I’m in!

By this year of 2023, the Meijer and Walmart locations around me have generally stopped the Bagging Area BS.

So fucking stoked for this! Wait, cis white guys can enjoy the shit out of this too, right? /s

I wonder if anyone ever did an in-depth correlation.

Second season was on par with the first one.

A vapid, shallow RW musical number full of vague vulgarities and unpragmatic projections that has more dog whistles than a police training yard? That’s a hard pass for me, Dawg.

Isn’t there a final movie, that comes out today?

The disappointment still stings.

JoJo Rabbit is great, I love it. One that shows the dude has drama chops is Hunt for the Wilderpeople.

Dismiss your troll, please. They only have interest in strawmen and thinking about little kids’ junk, as evidenced by their own fucking words.

Smells of the desperate flop sweat of absolute Trump users up in here. Cope and seethe you little bitches.

The racist fuck above you doesn’t care about pesky things such as facts.

It’s a start, but how about we fucking do this when they shoot people they shouldn’t?

This is why I know I liked you. Sure, if she wants to, not if she’s pressured to. this falls on the side of pressured.

Fuck you. Fuck all of you who thinks she should return the Oscar. The character on paper was Bullock’s to bring to life and make her own; and she did it well enough to win an Oscar. The white privilege power couple who commissioned an athlete-slave has fuck-all to do with Bullock and her acting abilities.

The dude tries so hard though!

I thought they might’ve been related.

Please don’t feed the shitheads any attention. They know they’re wrong, they just don’t care.

Isn’t that shit Standard Rich Person Protocol?