
Good New Stuff on TV I will watch this summer:
Breaking Bad continuing for 4 more weeks
Party Down continuing for 5 more weeks
True Blood returning June 13th
Futurama returning June 24th
Mad Men returning July 25th
Venture Bros returning August 22nd

They GOTTA cover, at some point, the holy triumvirate of quality children's programming: Muppet Babies, Tiny Toon Adventures, and Animaniacs.

The hurleybird is literally the only thing I want explained.

Very good point about the button. They totally should do something like that, because it fits great plotwise and thematically. Hopefully they have an explanation planned. I was thrown because Damon Lindelof said about the button "I think the idea of sort of trusting the machine, what if the power goes out, or what if

Thanks for the thoughtful follow-up I and 1. I guess what bothers me the most about the Lost writing is stuff that they focused on so intently being essentially dropped by the end of the show. Two big ones are the numbers and the button. The writers have said they've done all the explaining they're going to do of the

I acknowledge that Lost is a very impressive feat, but the writers have admitted that they've made up things as they've gone along, put things in for reasons they weren't sure of just because they looked cool, retconned things, and put huge chunks of pointless diversionary plots.

The following show would be the best ever:
1. Has a super crazy mystery-driven epic plot that gets progressively weirder and more sci-fi/surreal and has lots of WTF moments, like Twin Peaks and Lost.
2. Is actually all planned out from the beginning, and the continuity treated with the thoroughness and love and care

The girl I am wooing loves it
and this A- gives me a reason to watch it with her. Our first TV date!

YO i totally had one of those. I remember using it to play the PC fighting game Rise of the Robots (…, which my brothers and I had RENTED from the video store, which for a very limited time rented out computer games.

Yea I reread that several times and came to the conclusion he was being sarcastic, but for what purpose I could not for the life of me figure out.

I was like, this is well done and all, but the Richard episode was supposed to be full of reveals, and we actually learned very little stuff that people that were paying close attention didn't already know.

Yea they REALLY should've shot that one on location. Or at least bothered to have the shading of the stuff on the green screen match the set they had made.

Thought it was one of the better episodes of the season. Not particularly hilarious, but I liked the plot with the office dynamics actually changing.

Um nothing is weird about anything.

Yea it's waayy too hard to name 'deep cuts' for TMBG songs. They didn't really have much in the way of "singles" anyway. And if youre a fan of the band you should probably really enjoy a huge percentage of their songs.

I'm totally obsessed with that song. I've put it on a mixes for friends several times.

That sketch had potential, but all they did was substitute some christmas and elf-themed words into the original speech. It seemed like it took about 20 minutes to write and 20 hours to make that cool set.

I loved the racist grocer scenes so damn much, and I had never seen Aziz before. Then I saw human giant and knew we had a good thing going. Then Randy and Parks happened and my head exploded with love.

I agree that final scene was amazing and clever. My brain was like "haha whoa hey what haha".

I love every moment of Senor Chang. This episode's definitely included.