Chicago is short-hand in their mental universe for “where black-on-black-violence lives”. Facts don’t make America great in that world.
Chicago is short-hand in their mental universe for “where black-on-black-violence lives”. Facts don’t make America great in that world.
Now that’s some late stage rigor mortis, if you know what I me-(vomits)
Please tell me thats your acerbic sense of humor and not actually from the testimony cause I can’t tell these days.
While no one was directly physically harmed by putting up a flier you can’t make any assertions as to whether or not someone hurt themselves after seeing hate speech directed at them, especially one that encourages hurting yourself.
“Every time he talks about deporting them, I swear the table rises three and a half inches. . .”
the Justice Department’s continuing efforts to link
his criminalization of the immigrant communities therethe fact that Chicago is Obama’s home city with the city’s murder rate.
Here is link to live feed.
“we live in a world where one’s identity gives extra weight to one’s arguments”
Unfortunately, telling someone to kill themselves via poster is not likely to count as inciting violence, and I’m pretty sure most hate speech is protected speech in the US. That’s not to say this poster isn’t disgusting; we do way too much to protect hate speech in this country. And until laws are passed to…
I plan on playing “Ding-DOng The witch is dead” on repeat while enjoying a nice omaha steak because fuck Trump Steak.
But what you have to realize is that the polling didn’t say which direction the stories leaned? Fox News makes up stories about Trump all the time, or skews them in favor of their “ideals.” We know this as fact.
I regret to inform you there’s no such thing as a nice Trump Steak.
What makes you think that? I’ve seen many journalists say they are being even more careful because they know any critical stories will be denounced as “fake news” and any mistakes will be gleefully pounded down their throats, and will likely be career ending.
Ahhhh...the White House was so close to looking like they were taking high road on this one, and could have credibly put blame on a Democratic politician for politicizing the grief of a soldier’s widow (although that would be hypocritical bullshit)
This “proof” is the same as the Comey “tapes” I assume...
He doesn’t respond to any of Trump’s attacks, even as they get more and more senseless and obscene with each passing day. Barack, for better or for worse, was not one to lash out or become terribly defensive. I honestly wish he would just once call Trump out with as many consecutive profanities as possible, but I see…
“What the titty-fucking Christ is wrong with everyone?
I think we should keep his money and use it to get women elected.
What Should We Make of Hollywood and Democrats’ Twisted Friendship?