Sobchak Security

They (GOP) won’t go for that.

This is fucking pathetic. How do these assholes find the door to get out of the house in the morning?

Single payer, not-for-profit. NOW. That’s the only acceptable replacement.

It’s amazing how they’ve fucked this up, unable to agree on how to repeal something they wanted to for god knows how many years now.

I have a theory that the early morning tweetstorms are a symptom of him taking his morning amphetamine dose.

Once Meuller has the tax returns or Trump thinks he’s close to getting them, Trump will have a complete meltdown. I personally think whatever is in the tax returns will bring the whole thing crashing down by answering a lot of questions about Russia.

Oh yeah, alla that money laundering that’s been the Trump Crime Family stock in trade for decades. NY state’s been all over that, and you know they’re sharing with Mueller. (Besides which that’d probably be one of the FIRST things he’d cross off his list. Business conflicts of interest from day 1.)

Their Facebook page has been flooded by a lot of scouts, both current and former, absolutely furious about this stunt. It’s been an interesting read.

Of all the shitty, SHITTY things he has done, I actually think this could take the cake — at least right now. The fact that he said this shit in front of children, unchecked by anyone in authority at BSA, is just silent approval for the terrible things he said in his speech. If the BSA really didn’t endorse this shit,

Trump: So how do you do to get that Trump Merit badge, scouts!?

Yeah, he’s not subtle.... his attacks usually carry their own signal. This renewed yapping about Clinton and emails could very well mean all his own emails and his kids’ emails are getting investigated. He also recently yapped about how investigating his kids was a “red line” and not relevant..... As he learns the

The BSA has been long been co-opted by right-leaning religious groups as an easy way to indoctrinate their children. It’s no surprise that people (probably both kids and adults) in the crowd cheered this disgusting man. Shoot an email to BSA to demand that they rescind Trump’s “honorary president” status and institute

Financial records for sure (although pee pee tape would be amazing)

After Obamacare gets repealed, those medical merit badges will be way easier to get!

All I want for Festivus is the Pee Pee Tape.

Excellent point! He’s as nervous as a fart on a griddle, so something is probably about to drop. His aggression, like that if all bullies, is predictably rooted in fear. I’ve starred all your suggestions although I don’t have any other coherent ideas at this time of morning (first coffee, then English).

Doesn’t Mueller have his tax returns back to 1989 now?

Goldman Sachs (for two tours of duty)

That picture is wrong. Cohen’s lip print should be on The Mooch’s ass. Also this...