Sobchak Security

Erin, I take issue with the use of the word “Allegedly” in the title here. Come on.

lol oh. okay. seems reasonable.

I myself dabbled in pacifism. Not in ‘Nam of course.

2018; When your phone gets Breaking News notifications from Pornhub.

Yeah. Since when have people been touchy about history and religion? Seems easy enough to me.

Spoiler Alert: Israel Announces It’s Changing the Name of Donald J. Trump Train Station After Donald Trump Caught on Tape Enjoying Water Sports

What… You mean 2017? 2017 was great. Alabama just elected a Democrat to the Senate.

The only small comfort I can take out of 2017 is that some of these people popped out from under their bridges and now we know who a lot of them are.

Listen bub, I don’t come down to where you work and slap the dick out of your mouth.

And… I would like my undies back.

Hey Rafi, how about getting approved too? I was before but lost my other burner code.

At least it would draw the eyes away from that vest.

yay or something i guess.

Count how many times he says the word “I.”

Its not just you. Sexual assault is about power and so is this non-apology apology. Its like he locked the internet in a room with him and made us all watch him verbally jerk himself off.

Oh. Okay.

I’ll never understand why people feel the need to defend people they don’t know. Its like their own self-worth is somehow tied to their favorite celebrities.

Another tweet that falls into a different category:

The endgame is that they all know what they did, and they know they only have a short period of time left in power before its all exposed. So instead of trying to disguise their truly evil agenda, like they used to do, they’re ramming it through at full force.