Sobchak Security

lol I also mentioned the right to vote and the right to assemble too there numbnuts. You cherry picked one because the other two contradict your dumb ass point. You don’t just get rights and have rights and do whatever the fuck you want with them. That’s not how it works.

Oh yeah. One side is preventing people from… You know… Living and all and the other side is really, really annoying. Totes the same thing. One side has a massive, billion dollar lobby working to prevent any semblance of compromise and debate and the other is asking questions about why we can’t even just talk about

It means any asshole can have a gun - until they fuck up.

What everyone seems to be forgetting here, as they try to play word gymnastics with the 2nd Amendment to bend it to their preferred view on it, is that this was a case where the gun laws would have worked if they had fucking been enforced.

Ape/Monkey terminology aside… You’re speaking in a hilariously short time-frame. At some point in the not-really-that-distant past (considering the amount of time life has inhabited earth) we shared a common ancestor with chimps, bonobos, John Tesh and all the other great apes and monkeys that exist today.

So yea, it means any asshole can have a gun.

I guess I don’t understand the appeal of White Supremacy

I don’t think its ever NOT sucked. And if anything, its better now than it ever has been because instead of just TV and print, we have the internet as a source of news. Sure, there’s a shit ton of bad news outlets, but there are also a ton of really good ones and the internet’s made it super accessible.

No offense, but I think that’s a really naive way to look at it.

This “people are animals, what can you do?” fatalism is the very same cop-out and glib excuse that the Republicans and NRA always roll out after every shooting.

“It’s clear that this is a person who had violent tendencies,” Texas Governor Greg Abbott…

Do you genuinely think that the people who produce your local nightly news program care about your wellbeing or keeping you informed?

Yeah I’m pretty sure he not only knows that, but its also basically been his plan this entire time.

Dear Trump Voters,

Its very simple. As we all know, kneeling is a sign of protest. And it is disrespectful. During our beloved national anthem and during Sunday prayer. God is punishing us for kneeling before him during prayer. We need to all stop all kneeling, immediately. Its a matter of life and death.

I think most gun owners ARE for common sense gun control. The problem is Liberal bills dont tend to be common sense.

Wait… What? “Gravity” knives are illegal? Wow. I have literally pulled out and handed my folder to cops on at least 2 occasions. And not only have I never gotten a ticket, I’ve also had them give me back the knife. Both times.

I think at this point, many other people have considered that too. Hopefully people with the power to prevent it from happening.

I’m really glad I’ve more or less hated people for the entirety of my 30+ years on this planet. Because if I didn’t, what’s happening right now would be depressing as fuck.

Well, in his defense he’s not just acting like this because he’s a vile piece of shit. He’s acting like this because he’s a vile piece of shit who is going to be disgraced, impeached and then run out of town on rails pretty soon.