Putin. He’s courting Putin. Or he’s just following orders.
Putin. He’s courting Putin. Or he’s just following orders.
We lost this election because Trump/Russia weaponized information and fear. Both of which are extremely powerful things, information and fear. We lost this election because people are animals and they’re easy to manipulate.
Meh… It not entirely about the reestablishment of white supremacy. Our election was hacked and the hackers just happened to side with the white supremacists because they’re the stupidest lot around and the easiest to manipulate. And the beliefs of white supremacists are by and large destructive and harmful, which was…
Am I wrong?
Nah, I just take a break every now and then.
Listen here Bub… Americans view success as being the product of hard work and intelligence. And they believe that all CEO’s are successful because of their hard work and smarts.
“Regulate what ads?”
Of course he knows that. He’s talking about NFL owners, not NCAA institutions.
Different computer. I never saved my key so I have 2 different accounts.
Conservatives hate places that dictate what is and is not cool. Rich white old-money Manhattanites are acceptable conservative types because not really much in Manhattan is actually cool. Its why they pretend like Brooklynites are all mustachioed organic free-range vomit farmers and San Franciscans are all…
You’re better than this man. The people from the left who where were there weren’t instigating violence. Neo-Nazis were there, instigating violence. Antifa/Commies or whoever are a fraction of what Neo-Nazis and white supremacists are. Don’t buy into that bullshit. You’re better than that.
Fuck him. He’s going to jail.
That is a concern. I’d not want to be in SK if anything went down.
No way we nuke them first. And China just told NK (and America indirectly) THIS: https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/china-warns-north-korea-youre-on-your-own-if-you-go-after-the-us/2017/08/11/a01a4396-7e68-11e7-9026-4a0a64977c92_story.html?utm_term=.1aee08b20874
China and Russia wouldn’t nuke us. Even if NK nukes Guam, and we nuke NK, China and Russia wouldn’t need to respond. They won’t really be affected by the fallout. NK is a pain in China’s ass and they’re only useful to Russia as a thorn in our side. If they’re gone, no one cares.
Oh no! We’re all going through a tunnel! We’re about to lose y… ssschhhcxxxzzzzz!!!
Its pretty easy really. At is literally the oldest trick in the political playbook.
He’s got those now. THat’s one of the things that I think has pushed Trump over the edge. His most recent behavior is nuts, even by his standards.