Sobchak Security

He also thinks Akie Abe doesn’t speak English.

His ego. Gotta feed the beast. The Times is a headline man.

As you were then. Always best to check.

Twice. I’ve already used this twice today.

What? He’s not candid at all, he lies about everything. Constantly.

Honestly, his supporters are nothing more than a bunch of whiny, ineffective, insecure bigots who have shown they’re willing to throw this place into the fucking toilet to get their way.

Get a room nerds.

Oh, I’m sorry. Are you a billionaire? Did I offend you? Like the Waltons and the Koch douchebros need you here defending them. Like they give two fucking shits about you.

I have faith in their desire to climb over each other to get to the top. The plot’s vividly clear. Has been for awhile. Trump is impeding their agenda and because they’re getting no health care done, they’re sacrifice a lamb soon.

links? kinda hard to find stuff on there. i normally just hate read fox and brietbart.

Shut the fuck up.

I’m not here to say I told you so. Except that I am.

I disagree. Strongly. And I will type up an articulate counter argument right after I watch this episode of Bangbu… Seinfeld.

We all lambs to the slaughter.

Just World bullshit.

RS? Link?

we’re not post outrage and most people are pretty fickle and petty. people follow the crowd.


Trashy people love yelling at restaurant workers. Makes them feel big, to be able to boss someone around.

I see they’ve really ramped up the psychological warfare. That was fast.