
In his defense, people in the restaurant industry are very skilled at dealing with complete nonsense from horrible people they have to be nice to.  It might actually be very relevant experience.  Hickenlooper was a great mayor of Denver and Governor of Colorado, so not exactly sure why he “shouldn’t’ run for

Although they had the votes to pass without the addition of this provision, I’m guessing it was added to try to get veto-proof support or to try to get Trump to sign it.  It also may have made it worse politically for Trump to veto it. 

I mean, her statement contains grains of truth while also completely sidestepping the actual issue with a straw man. Generally, yes, people want to feel like they’ve earned what they get—this is actually a big leap for Republicans to admit that most people aren’t lazy mooches who don’t want to work—but missing from

Ask any employer if they can fire employees at will, and you’ll get a much different answer. I guess in theory they can, but in practice, it’s very easy for someone to turn around and sue the employer, alleging that they were the victim of a “hostile work environment” (which can typically be anything that they allege

although there’s the question of whether or not Sandmann qualifies as a public figure, because he wasn’t before this, but the article was only in response to events that had thrust him into the spotlight. If he’s considered to be a public figure, then his lawyers will also have to prove that the publications knew the

At any point in this process, from the substitute teacher, to the dean, to the school resource officer(s), the literal “adults in the room”, does anybody take a step back and think about the situation for a second and/or the many possible sensible ways of resolving it? Or is everybody just playing their part in the

surprise, surprise! Yeah, it would have been good for them, and now it’s not happening and they’re sad. But they don’t get to project their economic projections onto the entire deal, which was a mixed bag. Residential real estate brokers are probably the most smug, self-important group of people on the planet, who

Everybody needs to learn the difference between anti-semitism, anti-zionism and legitimate political criticism/commentary. Anti-semitism refers to hatred of or action against Jews, without regard to their nationality. Anti-zionism refers to not believing in the State of Israel—there are many Orthodox Jewish sects

I mean, it would be one thing if AMI just published the pictures, which I’m sure would have pissed Bezos off, but that’s also what the Enquirer does.  They’d be fine as long as they didn’t acquire the images in an illegal manner.  But they blackmailed Bezos (some lawyers have said it wasn’t actually criminal

Hey, say whatever you will about it, but at least it’s somewhat of a plan that can be critiqued and debated, instead of an idea presented as a “plan” that’s only worthy of ridicule (like “the wall”). It will be interesting to see what the opposition to this plan coalesces around—will it be outright denial of climate

If the Trump Organization were run like a normal company (especially a public company), she’d probably be right that there was nothing strange about having a project in Russia. And there’d be nothing concerning for the Trump Organization pursuing business in Russia if its founder wasn’t simultaneously in the process

my mistake, although it may still be an issue for students who get too many credits by the first term of their senior year and have either graduated or are on part-time status during their second semester. 

If ICE was truly interested in rounding up a bunch of (mostly white) Brits (and other wealthy foreign nationals) who have overstayed their visas, just hang outside a college graduation ceremony at any ivy league school. Once they’ve graduated (or even cease to be a full time student, for those who graduate early),

aside from all of the general horribleness around how he’s been treated so far, within an administration so obsessed with money, you’d think they’d let someone who makes millions of dollars slide—21 Savage would end up paying a lot of taxes, as well as supporting plenty of other people (agents, managers, etc) who also

Is this, like, a medical school that still also teaches phrenology? 

It’s nice to see that Melania and the Trump administration are so concerned with the feelings of a (white) 6th grader from Delaware, while having no problem throwing other children of Joshua Trump’s age (and younger) into iceboxes and separating them from their parents. I guess their empathy is only limited to those

Poor Schultz—he just wants to be liked (and unfortunately for him, nobody likes him). Bloomberg doesn’t care if you like him and has been doing a lot more work behind the scenes. Neither of them should be president, but jeez it’s hard to understand how Schultz and his team of hired guns fucked up the call on this

The kids need to stop doing this already—especially the ones that are not a part of the administration. Just stay and run the fucking Trump Organization—or join the campaign/administration, but not both.

I would imagine that both Schultz and Bloomberg, purely as executives (like, the functions of the president’s job that most resemble that of a CEO), would actually be excellent. However, their temperament and perspective on “what the country needs” (which seems to be that we need them) is, frankly, off. I’m not even

I feel very bad for the woman, but this is also surprising that she would be stuck for 72 hours because one would assume that the elevator would be required to have some sort of emergency button or call-box that calls the Fire Department in the event of any issue, which would be required by the building and fire codes.