
Maybe this all needs to be put in terms that Republicans can understand. Someone needs to write the “Atlas Shrugged” of what would happen if we actually got rid of all of the illegal immigrants. There are many jobs out there that provide services we consider necessary that seem to be mostly done by immigrants, and

It would be helpful to understand more about how the contract worked to get an idea of whether or not this is improper (and how improper it is). Like, are they paid for time and materials, plus general conditions additional fees for insurance, overhead and profit? Or does the hourly rate have to cover a lot more

Isn’t “allegations/alleged” still the correct terminology, at least legally-speaking, unless said allegations have been adjudicated in a court of law? Isn’t it just something people also say/write so that they don’t get sued for slander/libel? I understand how it can be used to undermine a woman’s claim of sexual

I could almost understand the “if true” statements more for dems, just because it would look bad if they all jump on the bandwagon and then some of the allegations actually turn out not to be true. I also believe that Bannon is plotting to set such a trap because it will play well to his base, most of which probably

But aren’t most of these mass killers psychopaths or sociopaths, with impulse control and anger issues (and often a history of domestic violence)? Aren’t those all in the the DSM5? Recognition of these conditions doesn’t mean that a person isn’t still “evil”, or doesn’t know that what they’re doing is wrong. They

I’m guessing it doesn’t make sense for de Blasio to even engage with Dietl, since it would just be a waste of time and resources. But there’s plenty in Bo’s past that would be ripe for consideration—including his reputed ties to organized crime while he was an NYPD detective, the many smear campaigns his private

Didn’t everybody kinda already know about Milner? I mean, whether they knew he was actually investing on behalf of the Russian government, or only on behalf of the oligarchs (all of whom owe the creation and continued existence of their fortunes to the Russian government) aren’t those kinda the same thing? He wasn’t

I’ve worked in HR at some small companies (not corporate world, finance/law or entertainment) in NY. Companies already do all different types of anti-harassment training—in fact, it’s often required by your EPLI policy. Honestly, I don’t think it does a damn thing because everybody already knows that they’re not

I guess I just don’t understand how this benefits the party at this particular moment by airing this dirty laundry (unless the goal is to make things look as bad as the RNC did going into 2016, causing many to underestimate it). Not saying this behavior wasn’t improper, but I also don’t know what the alternatives

No question that Story Corps is anti-union, but what is true/untrue/half-true about the claims made in the document (asking sincerely)? What claims were made by the union/union reps to the employees when they began this campaign, about what the union could/would do for them? How true/untrue/half-true were those

If the goal is just to be able to convict and punish more people (with the understanding that many of those punished will be poor and minority), then I guess the 50.1% standard is fine. If the goal is to create a system that is actually seen as fair, with verdicts regarded to be legitimate, the system needs to

I agree that more needs to be done to combat sexual assault on college campuses, but without substantive and procedural due process, will there actually be any justice? Or will it just be vengeance?

I agree that our history is our history, and no amount of wishful thinking can change it. We have to live with both the good and bad, and often must deal with complicated figures who did good things and bad things. Washington and Jefferson did own slaves (which should not be forgotten or explained-away in light of

And, that while CFIUS and the other bodies approved the sale of Uranium One to Rosatom, for the uranium to actually leave the US an export license would have to be issued. No export license was issued (except to transport to Canada for processing, after which it is then shipped back to the US).

Part of what’s so annoying about lobbying is that it has in many ways become the only way to get a seat at the table with an elected representative so that a constituent can actually be heard. Even “good” organizations that promote the things we agree with need to use lobbyists to have any chance of making an impact.

Perhaps Kelly’s comments wouldn’t have been completely fucking bonkers if they were describing the young nation pre-1789, when there were questions about whether there should be a federal government and what powers it should have vs. those held by the states. But by the time of the Civil War, there was no way to

Putting aside how awful he is, and any commentary on his presidency, I don’t understand how, physically, Trump could even run for president again at the age of 74, after having been through 4 of the most stressful years of his life—which will almost certainly take a toll on his health and (whatever remains of his)

I think that many CEOs do actually believe (or want to) in the whole enlightened capitalism thing, and many probably even believe they’re doing their part. But they often fail to recognize the times when they don’t live up to the ideals of “enlightened capitalism” and the ways in which they’re making things worse

These also sound like contract terms that might be fairly standard for government construction contracts, where cost overruns are sometimes (or often) guaranteed and there’s no accountability. They shouldn’t be, but it’s possible that they are. And likely what’s happening in this case (as in many cases) is that

I have friends who attended the congressional page school, and heard some pretty good stories about members of congress drinking with and serving alcohol to their under-21 pages, and other members being particularly interested in certain pages... So yeah, they’re not angels, they just play them on TV.