
Putting aside the (un)constitutionality of the law, I’d expect Mississippi to start feeling the hurt pretty soon from the business community, and I’m sure it’s not going to help tourism either.

This is terrible and counterproductive. Perhaps the best solution now is to push for OTC birth control sales, and make it affordable. It’s still unfair.

But communism isn’t the answer either—it all sounds great but has never actually worked because it’s almost always rife with elite corruption, doesn’t tolerate any sort of dissent, and generally does a shitty job with allocation of resources and production of goods. The free market does a great job with this, as long

This is really flawed logic. Sure, if you’re in the military and you’re engaging targets in a 360-degree environment (not like when 2 armies would meet up in an open field and just start shooting at each other), you’re likely to blow through your clip before you know it and many of your shots won’t land on target.

on the plus side, if he’s from the future that means that there is in fact a future. Apparently humanity makes it through the Trump administration.

Although it’s a feel-good high-minded notion that governments should have the full consent of the governed, and that like-minded people should be able to secede and form their own governments, it’s not something that people actually have the right to do (unless they actually have the right under the constitution).

The government taking people’s assets (or “nationalizing” them, as it’s sometimes called) never really ends well, and then there’s that whole 5th amendment business. But fairer taxation on earnings could accomplish similar goals.

First of all, this whole thing is going to be a clusterfuck, and entertaining dumpster-fire to watch as we watch all of the different interest groups fight for the tax loopholes they worked hard to secure for their constituents.

I mean, is she really allergic to dogs, or does she just not like them (like THAT friend of yours that’s always telling restaurants they’re allergic to things they don’t like)? I assume if she was severely allergic to 2 dogs sitting near her, she’d probably be showing signs of an allergic reaction. Probably worth

The election was close enough that literally any reason (or combination thereof) was probably THE reason she lost. Aside from Trump now being POTUS, I don’t think anyone is really in a position to provide a definitive version of “what happened”: not you, Hillary, Bill, Bannon, Trump, or anyone else who has offered

In general, people who spend a lot of time accusing others of not being ______ enough, whether it’s “patriotic” or something else, are usually doing so out of their own insecurity, or to make clear where they draw the line of division between “us” and “them”. While I respect Sharon’s service in the military, and don’t

Can’t the player’s argue that by kneeling, they’re simply “praying for America”? Let’s see Trump deal with that one.

Even beyond the facts in this case, it’s incredibly subjective who does and doesn’t receive the death penalty when convicted of murder, with race playing a major part in many cases. But even in cases where all of the suspects are white, it’s not uncommon for the person who pulled the trigger to cut a deal and plead

Oh man, who’s getting excited for this holiday season’s fight against the “war on Christmas”? I’m sure it’s going to be a doozy.

But it’s somehow not vulgar or anti-American to fly the Confederate flag, which represents a group of traitors who openly declared war on the United States? Putting aside the whole issue of slavery and the Confederacy, or anything having to do with racism, the Confederate flag is still more offensive to our country

This looks pretty bad for Mr. Manafort. However, I’m not so sure that this is going to be the great news that some people think it is. The conversation that results from this could just as likely be about how the Obama Administration (simply that he was president at the time, no idea whether or not he was involved or

And here’s your new Welfare King, 2017 edition. I guess in Trump’s America, gaming the system like this guy “makes him smart”.

By her logic, although she is a US citizen and was born here, if she’s not happy she could also go back to whatever country her ancestors were from—although I’m making the assumption here that she’s not 100% Native American. While the government probably wouldn’t pay for it (the only thing they’re paying for here is

Then it’s really dumb that Lurie would even comment on why he wouldn’t hire a particular QB if he’s not even looking to hire a QB. Like, “we’re not looking for a new QB at this time” would have been adequate.

or you could keep your right to vote and use it to vote for Bernie Sanders—not only would you get your student loans wiped out, but also healthcare and more Larry David on SNL. win-win-win!