soapbox aria

there really were a lot of flower wreath head bands involved on that show. 

i like these actresses but feel the movie is already horribly miscast

Translated “If it wasn’t for the reading and hard work, I would be an attorney”

Girl friend got a six figure judgement against her.

I know I’m an old, so I don’t get why people don’t protect their passwords like dragons guard their hoards. Regardless, she sounds like a sociopath and his trust got completely abused. Just reading this made me angry.

So now im confused. It’s not his responsibility to go phisically collect the money from her is it? Why does he need to know her living address? isnt there a legal obligation for her to get the money to him?

Man, I always thought that it was required that things like this get done with real paper in the real mail specifically to avoid situations like this. Every school/job (like, career jobs, not part time retail jobs) I’ve ever gotten into *always* started with a real paper offer letter.


‘80s jocks were right - nerds are bad fucking news.

I assumed this meant that since it is such an expensive destination, comping so much would have to have a much larger return on investment than most of these people could possibly offer.

Technically, those accounts who share your hobbies could be considered influencers. People just can’t believe it, when they are considered ‘them’.

Listen, gay men: You don’t get to be misogynistic assholes while using women’s bodies for something you want. You don’t get a pass.

You are for the aspect of the lawsuit concerning the treatment of hostages post rescue when there was still mass confusion and police officers were just trying to secure the area of a mass casualty crime?

accident or opportunity? could the driver have not seen him at 3pm in the afternoon? i doubt it. if the debris had been there instead of a black man, he would have avoided it, i’m sure.

Now he has the “I’m white, did something horrible, no repurcussions” taste. Damn right he’e emboldened.

If John Goodman joins Twitter just to post a “Bye Bitch” message, I will give him one more chance.

My guess is that they were gambling hardcore on the nostalgia of the thing, cos that’s kinda big at the moment. That that nostalgia smell would just override the smell of the white supremacist trash. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 

It’s such a pet peeve of mine. Whenever something bad happens, instead of running to Clarke the moment it happens, they always run to somebody else. Like something bad happens and everyone’s first thought is “I know, let’s get Kane! Maybe one of his excruciatingly boring speeches will save us!” By now, they should be

I think that getting to see Jimmy Pesto hit by the cyclist was the best possible birthday present Bob could have gotten.

I loved that when he got the bacon weight, Bob tried it out by miming placing it on some imaginary bacon.