soapbox aria

Except that people from places like New Zealand talk like that all the time. And they certainly aren’t trying to be purposefully obnoxious by speaking with their natural accents. I am not necessarily the biggest fan of upspeak, but I can’t imagine that most people are doing it on purpose to bother anyone. That just

If they move him, they are crossing the line from care to experimentation on a minor. Since there is no hope this treatment will cure him or provide increased quality of life, this is experimentation for the sake of the parents’ inability to handle grief. This is not in the best interest of the minor patient.

There are occasionally cases here where medical staff advise parents that really the only humane course of action is to turn off life support - if the parents disagree then it sometimes ends up in court. Ostensibly, both sides are representing what they believe is in the best interests of the child - continued

The child cannot advocate for himself, so the court is acting as his advocate. He can’t be saved; he can only live in pain for a little while longer while being essentially an experiment. It’s an awful position to be in all around, whether you’re the parents, the court, or the poor little boy that should probably be

As I have written before, my daughter died when she was five in 2011, two months after being diagnosed with an inoperable and malignant brain tumor. There is no cure for her type of tumor - DIPG - and current treatments do little more than extend life for a few months.

I get where the parents are coming from and there is a part of me that thinks what harm can come to let them take him to the US but after reading a little more, they wouldn’t be bringing him to the US for a cure. It would basically just extend his life but his quality of life would not get better. I don’t blame them

Like she doesn’t have the social intelligence or awareness to know that volunteering with children is inappropriate at best?? Give me a break. She’s free to resume a “normal” life without rubbing salt in a huge collective wound. She would have no trouble living in obscurity if that’s what she truly wanted. Your blind

In order to volunteer at any of the schools in our school district, you have to fill out an application which includes permission for them to do a background check. I am of the hope that ‘former serial killer’ would preclude someone from volunteering.

But is Dany going to blown Jon like a cello, that would be my first question.

We went to an old-time movie theater in the Adirondacks a few years ago for the original Dirty Dancing movie with a local theater group acting out the key scenes in the movie. Baby was a bigger girl and the petite Johnny didn’t have the upper body strength to do “the lift” at the end....they tried several times, it

This is my same argument for all the live tv musicals they’ve been doing. You have ALLLLL of broadway to choose from. You can’t argue that you chose Breslin for her big name draw,, so what’s the excuse for choosing her. If tv insists on doing live musicals or remaking shit like this, get actual

I honestly don’t know if your an extremely polite internet troll or your really not getting what is going on here. This is an extremely simple case of defamation and Wilson has a good case.

No no no. The defamation is the claim that she is a serial liar who can’t be trusted. It’s not about revealing her real age it’s about painting her as a phony creep.

the journalist KNEW that the claims were false

Pain seems to demand more, it requires a particular eloquence born of empathy and reflection of which Trump is incapable.

There were so many great 30 Rock references this season! My favorite was Titus, aka “Flouncy Magoo” crying about a break up with D’Fwan.

And don’t forget “Would you like to donate a dollar to help Dartmouth students learn to read?”

The most disappointing part I can’t mention without a bit of a spoiler, but there is one part where they do not make use of his talents (not his shirtless “talents” but, like, real ones) when they could have. I think it was an attempt to be funny, but I think it still could have been funny without that particular

I wouldn’t wear Haley’s bra on Sunday or any other day of the week. That thing looks like more of a torture device than your average underwire bra, and that’s saying something.