
3 licks!? what kind of gene simmons tongue do you have over there?

it was so obvious too

WHY!? WHHHHHHHHHY!? god i wanted silent hills so bad. ill just go in this corner and cry now...

eh i always like using bootcamp for my gaming needs. im on an 2011 imac and i really havent run into too much i cant play. besides i like doing my work on my mac side. its desktop mullet, business in the front, party in the back.

i can see that but between the disappointment of the original release, and realizing that path of exile had become my mental diablo 3, i couldnt ever put any real amount of hours into d3 even with the ros expansion. it just all felt so shallow...

the game itself was a bigger punch in the nads then those few days. i waited 12 years for this???

imagine if paying cash to those stupid pbs marathons was a law...

hahaha again mentioned right in the video...

hate to break it to you but thats definitely not vaporware. its just straight dead...

or play cards. im always much more comfortable with the idea of gambling against other players than playing against the house...


off topic rant, but i really wanted SF5 to be more like 3 than 4... but thats just personal preference... man i want an updated third strike.

could cowboy haters have had it any better today?

tears of fanboys of anything are always delicious.

you must not watch the texans

i imagine you standing in the store, seeing a bullet point for faster menu scrolling and quicker loads times, and hurredly rushing to the front counter.

i swear i couldve written this review after watching the first trailer... we knew what was coming.

excuse me for the next few weeks... i need to go play this again it seems.

memento style i see...

kinda cool but kind of a bummer that we wont get the old mgo. i did have fun times with that game...