Invincible Snu Snu Block

It’s a legitimate tactic used by labor organizers. It’s a low stakes way to show the bosses that you’re united in your demands. It’s an entry point to participating in other actions. It can be as simple as everyone wearing a sticker or everyone wearing a red t-shirt on a specified day. They notice and it makes them

They should stay home, you say? So miss this valuable opportunity to be recognized as well as network in their professional capacities? Ok. Well then. Who’s next? The people who have been harassed at work, don’t go to work. The people who have been harassed when they go out at night, you stay home too. Stay home and

Oh yeah, women should limit their whereabouts to protest rape culture.

I was referring to your time. Well done, you. And you don’t understand the industry. Double well done, you.

Why exactly is Jezebel promoting the Trump supporter who made the Meryl Streep posters?

You would prefer sackcloth and fucking ashes maybe? And don’t waste time telling me why you think professional actors should stay away from one of the most visible evenings in their chosen profession.

Damn, when you put Littlefinger in the title, I thought Aidan Gillen was coming for The Root or something. Calling Tucker Carlson Littlefinger is giving him way too much credit; he’s more like Robert Arryn

But like.....can The Root issue a travel ban against mediocre white guys?

People that are willing to martyr themselves and put up with shitty treatment from assholes in order to fulfill their own dreams are a huge part of the problem.

Have you looked into the full specifics of this? Considering her response of “to trust a boss when he complimented me and not cringe when he asked for my number. I was afraid to be enthusiastic, knowing it might be turned against me later” there’s cause to think it was harassment and not just a mercurial dick boss.

As someone who really enjoyed Community, I feel like it’s still really easy to watch how the show treated its female characters and know what kind of a writer’s room Dan Harmon ran.

The ending—Nanette raising her eyebrows while sitting back in the Captains chair—was genuinely exhilarating. A team of office workers, lead by a fierce yet plucky coder, traveling literalized cyber space and telling gamerbros to fuck off would be my jam.

There is nothing acceptable about divorce in the ownership mentality of the misogynist male mind.

Nanette is my new favorite star ship captain (“Stealing my pussy is a red fucking line!”) and in the current onslaught of sexual harassment borne of male entitlement in the news, I thought it was topical and suspenseful.

What about beating your man to death with a leg of lamb and feeding the results to the cops?

#reylo memes are so excellent. I’m supposed to be an adult too but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

No. I always thought Brad Pitt looked like a rat (not a cad, a rodent). And I found Johnny Depp unattractive years before it was official. There are just a lot more men in movies than women, so if you’re that way inclined you have plenty of choice.

I absolutely disliked Kylo and was on the #WheresRey train two years ago—and wrote hot takes about how stupid Disney was to try to frame KR as the protagonist of TFA, when REY obvs, is the one we identify with.

It really does apply to women who like ANYTHING, really. Those losers are everywhere. We have to put up with them 24/7.

Here come the dudes duding around with their dude opinions when they should just shut up, sit down, and listen.