Invincible Snu Snu Block

Until he decides to start speaking to them again and then decides it’s somehow your fault he previously burned bridges, throws a mantrum and blames you for all the “wasted years”. And then decides he wants a separation because of this... But he says this on his way out to go visit said horrid family... Only to come

The victim being bi-racial, I would bet the uncle is on the white side of the family.

Limp Sausage Party

Maybe if the Night King gets close enough to King’s Landing, the Mountain will become a wight under his influence? Is that how it works? Could he be used to take King’s Landing?

Which amounts to being racist, because it means that you think that humans who have a darker skin color than yours are less important than you and that their lives have less value.

JFC they really went overboard with the sound effects!

It’s a college in the province of Quebec where the teaching is done in French. It’s developing its organic agriculture program right now, so they’ll be hiring for sure. The web site seems to be down for the moment, but it’s

I’m glad I work at a place where (for employees at least) there are clear and objective rules to determine pay, because I think I’d become murderous if i learned that a male coworker was making more.

And this is how I died from second-hand embarrassment. +.+

I wonder if Jaime himself won’t kill Cersei. She obviously went “full batshit” and, as we know, Jaime does have some principles. I’d like to think that, at some point, she’ll cross his line, and he might see it as his duty (or some sort of mercy killing) to assassinate her. I’m probably seeing too much into it, but I

More like Jarry’s Ubu roi, a silly version of Macbeth where Ubu kills people left and right because he wants the throne of Poland and a nice coat. He also enjoys eating shit and calls his permanent booger his “green candle”(and swears by it).

Your explanation is extremely interesting and plausible. You deserve more stars! Unfortunately, whenever I try to star anyone, I seem to take stars away instead. :(

All my love to you and thank you for telling it straight. Apparently some people don’t get what “entitled” really means. To make it clear to the shitty people here: if you are complaining about the tiniest compromise that would make others so happy, you definitely are the entitled one.

It’s not hatred. It’s just “respect my bubble!”

What a beautiful princess!!

And Franny is exactly who I want to be when I grow up.

I know extinction is looming, but I gotta ask: does the world really need surfers?

You forgot to start your first sentence with “Actually”.

Gidget kicks ass and Chloe is hilarious. I went to see it alone and my shameless 40 years old self was sitting in the middle of this crowd of delighted kids. Their reactions were just as funny as the movie. It was the best.

You visibly think highly of yourself. But if you took a step back and re-read your replies as well as not_productive’s replies, you’d realize not_productive makes efforts to politely explain their point of view while you more or less subtly insult them in each of your replies as if everything they wrote was the most