The only arrests were of far left protestors who instigated the fight. But I’m sure it’s just some conspiracy or whatever.
The only arrests were of far left protestors who instigated the fight. But I’m sure it’s just some conspiracy or whatever.
Hernandez is deadspins favorite umpire. He sucks at his job yet gets promoted by crying racism. He’s everything you people love
*allegedly* racist attack.
Hard to imagine going through life being this weak minded
Womp womp
You sound like an intolerant bigot!
Why is it that every girl with 2 last names turns out to be so promiscuous?
Why is it that every girl with 2 last names turns out to be so promiscuous?
Why is it that every girl with 2 last names turns out to be so promiscuous?
Hahahaha hahahaha holy shit this gold
Maine man here. I’ll be canceling out your vote!
What’s all this now? Did Kobe wear a MAGA hat or something? What activated the Jason Bourne-esque deadspin hit squad
Pssst...he’s your president too :)
As a tranny, can you really question anything anyone else does? 🤔
El oh el.
Maybe he listened to the “evidence” and determined it was baseless?
Cool as a cucumber is textbook sociopathic behavior.
The mantra of the American left, ladies and gentlemen.
And who do you think is going to come out on top in that scenario? The soy boys and trannies or the ones that keep and bear arms and know how to use them?
This disgusting Ford farce has only served to further galvanize the mainstream American public in their belief that the left is devoid of any moral compunction. Kavanaugh is going to be seated. And many of your ilk are going to lose theirs in November because of this stunt.