
boo hoo.

Twitter is a social experiment in that it's pushing the limits of how self-involved humanity can be.

@somidscr21: Apparently you give a shit what other people are watching more than what you're watching, yourself. Plex does everything Boxee does, ten times better. Except for the social features, which are just stupid.

Plex is so much better than Boxee. SO much better.

Dudes like this make it hard for everyone else to get Visas to live/work in countries outside of our own.

Looks like his next project should be consolidating his computers. Two laptops and a desktop? Seems totally necessary.

The people who make these hidden litter boxes think so hard about how to hide it, they forget to make it so their cats don't have to contort their bodies or hunch down while they're doing their business.

@ConfederateRokr: Good job, dude, you're a better paralyzed guy than my friend's dad.

One of my best friend's dad has been paralyzed from the waist down for the past 20 years. He used to be super active with hiking and traveling, something like this would open that world back up to him. Awesome.

@Habs: Maybe the person speaking the words was doing it phonetically, because they weren't a native speaker, and then the person in the studio who knew English stitched the best takes together? But that just seems like way too much work.

I agree, the rest of you are terrible drivers.

I can't wait for the day when IR is a thing of the past. Line of sight is bullshit!

When I lived in LA, I saw Stevie twice in about as many months. One time he was at Whole Foods, opening lotion bottles and smelling them. Interesting stuff. The other time, he was standing by himself in the keyboard section of Guitar Center, playing keys. The guy at the counter said he was there to give the

Doesn't seem like they're too worried about breaking the cycle with us colorblind fans.

Did this need to be said? Who keeps the stuff they use the least in their most accessible drawer?

Step 1: install Plex. Step 2: watch movies.

I don't think Japan realizes that the West is super tired of people with this haircut.

I still don't understand why anyone thinks I give a shit about how many times they went to Starbucks.

"Any" taste? I can only imagine this fitting someone's tastes if the like feeling like they're living in a factory or a warehouse.