Snowthorn Erwarth

AMEN! I wondered if anyone else noticed that/hated it.

It’s pointless to insist that everyday Catholics absolutely DO believe something just b/c they’re ‘supposed to’ when someone is telling you from personal experience that is not the case. I’m Catholic, I go to mass twice a week, and I literally know one person in all the Catholics I’ve always had around me (except the

There’s no Jewish gene, either (obv, disregard my comment if you weren’t saying there is).

Same but I think it’s just sitting more upright in the morning and getting more slumpy in the afternoon.

You could be talking about either side, really. One side (liberals) might at least feign politeness and tend to sound more intelligent, but they’re just as guilty as digging in their heels and not listening.

You think he looked great b/c you agree with him. Her fanboys will think she looked great.

I was gonna say - rural Indiana here, and I’ve got a bunch of frog legs in my freezer (and I’m definitely not wealthy).

“So he’s casually insane.” LOL