
If you can’t afford $60 a year, maybe just... don’t shop at Costco?
Dubious morality of not paying for a membership aside, you’re holding up everyone behind you in line while the cashier calls a supervisor over to input a generic member number for your transaction.

Offended? Nah.
But if you think Torch and Co don’t go out of their way for easy hits via Musk-bashing, you’re out of your damn mind.
Tesla ‘news’ - good or bad - gets attention.

They need to find a better solution than that oh-so-annoying siren.

Not having my head touch the ceiling is pretty nice, I wasn’t able to find a sporty two-door capable of checking that box.
Ended up in an Evo - headroom, ass-hauling, *and* the ability to carry a set of AX or track tires in the back seat
(I’ve heard rumors that you can put people back there too)

The early start actually works for me.

UBCSCC autocross last season.

This article contains the first mention I’ve seen of the Honda Clarity, are they not advertising it?

The one and only time I went to a local meet consisted of driving up and *immediately* being cut off by a pack of teenage jagoffs in a BMW.
At which point I stopped looking for a parking spot and left.

Usually only to see what kind of idiot could possibly be driving so poorly and/or confirm that they are on their phone.

I don’t know about you folks, but when I am in another country (read: Canada) I try to - as a rule - avoid driving like an asshole.
The eh-saying, double double gulping, Costco milk-cooler ravaging  denizens of British Columbia don’t seem to have much regard for that concept

FWIW, a lot of younger people pay into SS and won’t see a penny of it.
I certainly don’t expect to.

I’d feel a little bad having to track down the owner of the mulched feline, as much to get them to clean my engine bay as to let them know that Mr. Whiskers is gone.

“But... everyone in Canada is polite and kind!” - People who have only heard about Canadians on the Internet

As someone who is very much looking forward to dying alone with ample discretionary budget for car parts and beer, garage is on top of my list of demands for buying.

Can confirm, Blackstone knows their shit.
They (correctly) called me out on having only partially warmed up my Evo when I elected to change my oil/take a sample when it was 18º (F) out.

TIL that 80% will get a ‘5 star’ safety rating.
What’s the lowest score out of the possible 16 points that will earn 5 stars?

Can’t safely run a harness without a rollcage, riiiiight

Asian and female were the first two, try to keep up.
I don’t hate women, the elderly, or the handicapped, I’ve simply learned through observation that each group drives poorly.
If you don’t change your driving based on clues from other cars and their drivers, you’re a fool.