
Derpa Derp! Assange is a rapist. The Russians are coming! Trump and Putin are gay lovers! Get a grip you fucking loser.

There is no such thing as trickle down economics. There are plenty of different theories of economics, but this is not one of them. Anyone who mentions trickle down is a sucker and should not be taken seriously.

Derpa Derp! The Russians are coming! The Russians are coming!

He looks like an aids patient.

Is that the same ACA that jacked up premiums and deductions so high it made health insurance unusable? I’m sure they will be real upset about that.

Fuck you, whitey!

Name one right blacks don’t have that whites do.

It’s always about the white people. Fuck that!

Get the fuck out of here! We don’t need you Berniebros here anymore.

$15 per hour is not enough. Promise them $50 per hour and we would have won.

If you are not responsible enough to get an ID, you probably shouldn’t vote.

That’s right. Feel the hate. Join the revolution. Fuck whitey!

Fuck whitey!

Here is another racist in denial. I will stand with Beyonce. Fuck you.


Black people hated him. Keep telling yourself that, whitey.

You sound like a Berniebro.


Fuck white people! It’s all their fault.

“One bad thing about the internet is it tends to make people think things are black and white, when reality is entirely gray.”