“In the 2016 NBA Finals, this Bay Area team blew a 3-1 lead”
“In the 2016 NBA Finals, this Bay Area team blew a 3-1 lead”
When I hear “mobility company” I think of a company that makes equipment to help elder and handicapped people get around. Are we sure Peugeot-Citroën isn’t going to get into the wheelchair business?
Neutral: Will New Vehicle Sales Cool Off In 2017?
Because a GT350R and an ecoboost mustang are the same thing evidently.
The SS is NOT “nicer inside” by any stretch of the imagination.
More like Pfffttt Auto.
Patrick... Come on... You’ve never had to pull such a trick before??
You know it wasn’t a Mustang because it turned away from the pedestrians.
Simply no sympathy for either person. Two assholes on a road being assholes. Both were bound to get fucked.
Maybe the cheerleaders did something completely disgusting and amoral, like going to a restaurant with a married man.
Rumor has it the cheerleaders were also part of a pyramid scheme.
Of course police told them they did nothing wrong; prostitution is completely legal in Horry County.
I suspect that in practice, the Russians will “compete” in the same way they compete in the auto industry with Ladas...
As someone that has neither an Apple phone (will never) or an Andriod phone (maybe someday) I am happy, screw Apple and Google both.
At this point, I’m wondering why Ford or GM or Honda or BMW or whomever doesn’t just go to Google or Apple or whomever and be like “screw it, you wanna just do the whole infotainment system? Not just the phone stuff, the whole shebang. We’ll pay you money. It’s fine.”
Car fuel can melt steel beams!
“I see a red car and I want it painted black / No colors anymore, I want them to turn black.”