Top Tip: Death threats could land you in jail.
Top Tip: Death threats could land you in jail.
Ford is better than FCA, period.
“I mean, you wouldn’t be buying it to send a kid off to college in”
If they had two guns each this wouldn’t have happened. - The NRA
That’s why you don’t take a gun to an “other guy has a gun too” fight.
This needs to be the top comment. My father’s a United pilot and has said they can refuse me if I wear jeans... this isn’t an uncommon thing.
Nah, if you are flying with passes you basically have to wear business casual. They will refuse you if you are wearing jeans, let alone leggings.
Adding on: the United employee who arranged for these non-rev passengers to travel will be having a very uncomfortable conversation with HR and their immediate supervisor early this week.
Whoa whoa whoa. Your rationale, calm response has no place in today’s news cycle. Get outraged!
...pass traveler...
Ferrari must have drove past.
Are you still standing up for a adult who fucked up and refuses to apologize for it?
I find it appeeling.
The worst part is some one stuck a banana in the wheels.
The San Diego Whale Vaginas. Or is that redundant? Is this joke still relevant? FAN VOTE.
Yeah but the law is written on a bunch of plates that only the governor can read, so no issues here.
They also fear it would hurt Utah’s tourism industry from skiing