this is gonna start a fight but New Vegas will give you a much better feel for the series as a whole, because a lot of the devs from 1 and 2 are back and working at peak efficiency in the universe they built.
this is gonna start a fight but New Vegas will give you a much better feel for the series as a whole, because a lot of the devs from 1 and 2 are back and working at peak efficiency in the universe they built.
i play
So should I be able to stream me doing helicopter dick on Twitch? They should be forced to let me use their platform as my own penis helipad because censorship is bad?
Do you understand the absurdity of comparing a poem about the political repression of Unions, parties and ethnic groups with shitty Japanese porn games being mildly altered?
Just because there’s a parallel metaphor doesn’t mean it has the slightest fucking validity.
You mean sort of like the way that films remove content to get ratings approval for wide cinematic release? Steam is big, but it’s hardly the only way people buy games. If a company doesn’t like the restrictions that Steam imposes for sales, they’re welcome to distribute their game through other channels. Does that…
And that, to me, sounds an awful lot like “thought policing.” It’s one step away from the era of banned books and book-burning.
Cynically, I think a number of these panty games are pushing the ‘censorship’ issue themselves to earn their outrage sales. All you have to do is cry that the SJWs are being mean to you, even if ‘being mean’ is a couple minor blogs for 5 years ago saying ‘ewww’ and a thousand guys will order your game, and a few…
...except that nothing is being censored. The original stuff is all available. You just can’t get it on Steam, a private platform. The government isn’t allowed to censor speech, but private entities can do whatever they want. If you still want the stuff, get it elsewhere. It’s not rocket science.
I wouldn’t use that restaurant analogy. You are given a choice in how you want your steak, and obviously if they mess it up, you can ask for it to be done again.
that doesn’t make me an angry neckbeard who gets upset at a lack of boob sliders after the localization process.
Well I think you are absolutely wrong to suggest that an online videogame store is mostly visited by grown adults.
Original group name: Waifus Without Borders
Sorry to hear he’s got inoperable cancer.