“So long, Farrell, auf Wiedersehen, Goodbye!”
I hate everything Hank Williams stands for, but I’ll tell you what, I’d let him scream that one song directly into my ear if it means I don’t have to hear “Waiting All Day For Sunday Night” ever again.
“But hope is not lost. Because perhaps you, dear reader, are a resident of Alabama”
We believe some people without any evidence, and don’t believe others without all the evidence in the world.
Nickell Robey-Coleman (bad name) pulls the classic bar-fight move where he runs in for a sucker punch to help his friend, while ignoring that the other guys friends are standing right the fuck there.
Pictured: The author of the second study.
Oh buddy, how wrong you are.
Like some sort of ban?
They should make a movie, and call it Smokey and el Bandito.
I’m a straight guy who works at a company whose workforce is more than 50% women. And I’ve found it pretty easy to not sexually harass/objectify my colleagues.
Is “living past 50" on that list too?
Racism? At an Indians game?
Sure, Eckersley doesn’t know how rough it is on pitchers today. David Price has completed 16 of his 259 career starts, and Eckersley completed 17.
He should rename himself to Wayne, cuz he ain’t got no D!
Wade was fantastic tonight,
A little-known historical fact is that the uprising on the Amistad began when the captives were forced to sing "Sweet Caroline."