
Who hugs somebody for more than 30 seconds at most? Will Aerosmith’s ‘Don’t wanna miss a thing’ be playing in the background, while your loved one will be sent to blow up an asteroid?

Dude paid like $200k more than it was worth and then has only paid off $80k in 3 years? This is either fake or just hilariously bad.

The City of Irvine, along with the rest of South Orange County, is a very pretentious place.  I expect nothing less from IPD. 

The actual alternative is loan sharks. And as bad as these interest rates are, loan sharks are worse, as are the penalties for non-payment.

Not sure how this can be changed....lender charges high rate due to high risk of non-payment; precisely what occurred here. High rates as a result of bad credit as a result of not paying what one owes on bills is an adverse but necessary societal situation required to incentive people to pay others appropriately and

Are we going to talk about transportation on Jalopnik, or is this just a thinly veiled attempt to really fan the flames of class warfare by editorializing on the haves vs. have nots in every single damned article published here these days?

Nationalizing SpaceX and frankly Boeing (Space Division) is a terrible idea. Americans hate paying for space travel and space exploration. If you nationalize SpaceX, spending will go down and any you can kiss goodbye to technological breakthroughs like self landing boosters. Shuttle program failed due to costs. 

Even the Apollo Program was a who's who of US defense contractors (and Wonderbra) 

Do you think good old Ranko will let you take it off of the lot for a PPI?

It’s not like Seattle doesn’t have nice places either. I guess maybe he’s allergic to the weather, but I’d rather deal with what is ultimately rather mild PNW weather than participate in all that flying. Hell, he could afford two homes, and just winter in CA.

And people say Germans don’t have a sense of humor... 

man some of those are pretty ludicrous looking, and not in a particularly good way. The aurora looks awful.

So they should’ve just took one look at her, saw she was a lesbian, and corrected the issue on the spot?

“Hi, I know it’s out of the return window but I decided I don’t want this chair & I want my money back. I’m a 24-year-old lesbian.”

Really? Picking on fire trucks?? What’s next? The ice cream truck music is too loud and killing kids!!!

You can still delete your comments, nobody has to know you’re this stupid...

Yeah! What does a guy who worked in parts plant know about the automotive industry?! Who does this guy think he is, just waltzing into the UAW...29 years ago?! Surely he only received his position by being appointed by the...direction election of the union members....

“Jake’s CTE” would be a more appropriate screen name. You’ve clearly suffered repeated, severe head injuries that result in the drivel you post here.

Oh no she prosecuted some people, well definitely time to vote for trump instead.  

Anyone with half a brain know that the right likes to talk a big game about keeping automotive jobs in the US but what they do is undermine unions any chance they get. Luckily for them, it’s clear that a lot of people in this country don’t have half a brain.