What’s going on at Columbia and other colleges in the US is Jew hate under a political fig leaf. These “protesters” have assaulted Jewish students merely because they are Jewish
What’s going on at Columbia and other colleges in the US is Jew hate under a political fig leaf. These “protesters” have assaulted Jewish students merely because they are Jewish
Bro, every military releases its own figures. Don’t act like it’s a unique thing going on. That said, historically, Israel’s own tallies have always been very close to those released by the Hamas run ministry.
The same figures Hamas released were used until fairly recently by the IDF itself, so make of that what you will.
Even if you think that protestors should be identified and prosecuted, it should matter to you that they identify the correct people. Spreading conspiracy theories (especially stuff based on flimsy evidence like a lock) isn’t going to help your cause. Identifying the wrong groups or arresting the wrong people won’t…
“Alternatively, university administrators could have followed the time-honored tradition of ignoring campus protests until they inevitably fizzle out”
Fuck off, genocide apologist.
The fact that it’s currently the most popular post on the site would beg to differ.
He then proudly displayed a JanSport full of blue books as evidence that Osama Bin Laden is the mastermind.
“Outside Agitators” sounds like something George Wallace would say.
Well I mean suspicious that a bunch of students are buying a 225 dollar chain lock for 85 dollars.
For real. The Right has done a fantastic job of convincing young white men that they are superior and everyone else is just here to cater to them. Thank you for pointing that out.
There’s already a bunch of these “lifestyle” cruises for nudists and swingers so why is this particular one newsworthy? If a bunch of grown ass adults want to go be naked together let them have at it. Now the poor staff on the other hand that’s got to be hell for them because it’s not like this thing is going to be…
That’s a huge grill.
They should really teach financial literacy in schools.
No, because you don’t have to buy new cars.
Having a union threaten to hurt his mom likely be good enough for most.
I always feel like bending rules to get an outcome you want is a bad idea because the opposite can be done to confound justice. The dissenting judge here doesn’t like that the conviction was overturned but doesn’t offer a legal reason other than it continues a “disturbing trend of overturning juries’ guilty verdicts…
“However, William has a teenage daughter who wants to joust, but she’s not allowed to because she’s a woman. She tracks down the gang and they agree to teach her how to joust, but she has to hide who she is. They cut her hair short and she speaks with a deep voice, et cetera.”
The possible sequel was weighed, it was measured, and it was found wanting.