I presume they were at the same party. She probably figured they could help her get the door open from the outside.
I presume they were at the same party. She probably figured they could help her get the door open from the outside.
If the result of Emma Stone winning is more weird sex stuff from actresses in movies, I wouldn't exactly consider that the wrong cue.
Blonde has a 36% audience score on Rotten Tomatoes for a reason.
Eh, I doubt it’ll be a huge seller.
So like I said, a forced transfer of assets from shareholders to CEO. That’s a bad idea for a lot of reasons, the least of which is that you’re basically talking about robbing the poor to give to the rich, since most shareholders are regular people with 401ks, IRAs, pension plans, etc.
So who would own the company after it pays back all the stockholders?
Not really.
They weren’t. That’s the point.
Yeah, I highly doubt this will decrease any wait times for the passengers. It's just a cost saving measure for TSA so they don't have to pay as many staff members.
But here’s the thing, if I’m a Google executive and I spend a few billion dollars paying engineers to work on self driving tech, even if it doesn’t work, it still helps the company’s image as an innovative and tech forward software company. And hey maybe some of the software ends up being useful in a different way.…
Wait, so are we not considering Good Witch to be a comedy?
I dunno if he got an “insultingly light sentence”. He took the plea deal and got 6 months of probation. She didn’t and is looking at a max of 18 months jailtime. The difference between those two outcomes is partially because she’s more responsible, but mostly because she decided not to take the plea.
Anyone else catch the video clip of the defense expert witness flagging the judge with a gun used as an exhibit? Just fucking wild.
It’s such a shame too, considering they used to have some really good ads.
Yeah, they’ve been using “the brotherhood of muscle” in their ads for a few years now.
Eh, that’s been their catchphrase for a few years now “the brotherhood of muscle”.
Gotta hand it to em, they know who is easy to wallet inspect.
Extreme Job was really good, so I’ll check this out.
Japan has had anime ads for stuff for a while now.
Lol, if that shit didn’t work for Wesley Snipes, why would he think it would work for him?