
It’s less that he’s making blockbuster action movies and more that he’s *only* making blockbuster action movies these days.

Have you seen Born on the Fourth of July? Taps? Rain Man? A Few Good Men?

Trevor Noah is South African. He might have an accent, but I’m pretty sure English is his first language.

Let’s be honest, love him or hate him, Stewart is just really good at the job.

Yeah, nursing pay is surprisingly good, but an LPN in Oklahoma? She's got some side income for sure.

Not all alternative reality fiction is sci-fi. Just like not all alternate history is fantasy.

Wake me up when he releases a sex tape.

Clark was initially thought to be in the block of ice because *all* of the researchers were missing so the cops thought they were all in there.

The OA’s first season was really good. Second wasn’t terrible, but it felt less interesting than the first since it had to pick a side on the whole “is it supernatural or is it stress and trauma” dichotomy.

Wow, how did I not know Texas Monthly was doing a podcast about the oil industry?

Still, that’s not bad. My main issue with the existing Rivian is that $80k is just too damn high. $50k is much more reasonable for my own budget.

What the hell? What's a West Point grad doing as a freaking sherrif's deputy?

That’s actually kind of why I like the US version better. My main issue is with the main couple, since the couple in the UK version are kinda idiots while the US couple are much more likeable because they’re actually competent. But in general, pretty much all the US characters are just less repellent than their UK

To be fair, US Ghosts is better than UK Ghosts.

No, because it’s not tokenized.”

But what does that mean, though?

Aanyone who sees a choice between “decline into fascism” and “avoided a recession, controlled inflation, supported unions, and delivered record low unemployment” as no choice at all is an idiot.

The problem is that aside from a few minor verbal gaffes, he has a solid record of doing things that help the country. While Trump is an unhinged dictator wannabe.

I just pretend that when they say “she walked into the sea” they just mean that she walked out on the ice and froze to death. Makes much more sense.

I see what you did. You won’t pull the wool over my eyes that easy.