Oh, you missed the articles about the previous lawsuit from Cassie, huh?
Oh, you missed the articles about the previous lawsuit from Cassie, huh?
Seriously, might as well be titled “theoretical magic box that dispenses cocaine and blow jobs voted most popular device of the year.”
The thing is, the same is true for most people.
Different celebrity kid.
But maybe in the air?
I think part of the problem is that the current review ecosystem is very fragmented.
Seriously, where's the 12 year old Maserati with a salvage title?
Boy Fargo really was a documentary, wasn't it.
Honestly, at this point I’m starting to suspect that the publicity of killing Batgirl movie is probably worth something in itself. And you know what they say, “No such thing as bad publicity. Unless it’s for diddling kids.”
The other sneaky thing is that prices are sometimes weird if you are used to thought patterns from a decade or more ago.
Two reasons.
Eh, same as any other funding.
Yes, that's why he's being sued by Netflix.
To be fair, suckers paying money in advance for a product they never receive is not exactly a new concept.
To be fair, since this occurred in 2015, the ASA probably doesn’t really apply in this case, given that I think the statute of limitations is 20 years in New York.
Huge ass truck runs over zombies much better.
30 mpg in an SUV ain't bad.
Reference to a Rage Against The Machine song about cops.
Pah, back in the good old days he would have gotten his real nipples pierced. Kids these days don’t know the meaning of sacrifice. Grumble, grumble.
The character has kinda differed quite a bit in different incarnations.