
Damn. You almost have to admire the brazeness.

It’s working fine.

Huh, didn't know there was a new Taimanin game.

It’s not that common, the valet company has insurance, and some shit you just chalk up to bad luck.

It’s likely the hotel contracts their valet services out to a third party.

This is probably a real spicy take, but my opinion is that above everything else, Crew Cab trucks are better for the environment.

Wow these guys are complete dipshits.

It’s not about them needing it. It’s just advertising.

Knight and Day is a totally different movie, lol.

I suspect John Krasinski might disagree.

Korean cinema is criminally underrated, imo.

Well, one would hope that actual professional “reputation management” services would be more competent and less clownish.

Or maybe, Kojima just doesn’t make games you like. And doesn’t need to.

Maybe I’m just too short but I never understood how sink pissing works. Most bathroom counters are above my dick, which makes sense since the counter is for washing your hands and face, so having it much lower means you have to bend over more.

I gotta say, secret pro tip for anyone else who occasionally needs to take a leak during a long call, don’t piss into the water. If you piss against the side of the bowl its a lot quieter.

The thing about the Las Vegas loop as a tech demonstrator is that it’s not really supposed to be all that interesting.

You don’t need experience to iron shirts and pick up coffee.

Minimalist doesn’t mean inexpensive.

I gotta say, I’m waiting with bated breath for the behind the scenes expose on Milf Manor.

Wait, someone gave Scorcese $200 million fucking dollars to make a period piece?