
See if your county/town/whatever has home buying classes. I took one that met like 2 or 3 times and it was insanely helpful.

But if you change that to “I think about how lucky I am that I like the way I look”, it's a pretty great message. Sounds like you've got a kid who confides in you and knows what your values are and that's pretty awesome.

That’s a fact, unfortunately. APS in my area lacks legal power and it’s disheartening. I also think there’s a lack of public education about adult and elder abuse. There are often public campaigns about recognizing and reporting child abuse (as there should be!) but abuse of elderly or mentally challenged adults just

Haha ok

They know. They all know. My evil fiend starts his morning “hurl my body against the bedroom door” calisthenics at 650am. I get up at 645 (rarely to the alarm) and he needs his breakfast at 650 godammit!

It’s interesting that you say that gender doesn’t matter. It does and most women have become of aware of that, unfortunately. I’ve never been praised for “helping” my husband clean but he certainly has for “helping” me. My jaw would drop if he were praised for helping me with, say, car repairs because it’s expected

No, we both clean because we live in the same space. It’s neither of our jobs and we certainly aren’t doing the same task at the same time. The floor looks dirty? One of of sweeps and the other says thanks. The job isn’t automatically assigned to me because I’m a woman so, no, he’s not “helping” me- he keeping a space

I hate that! The first time my husband said something about “helping” me with chores was also the last time. So ridiculous.

Oh, then they’re just stupid. I do hiring for my agency and I effing love when applicants ask me questions- the harder, the better. I want people who are smart and curious and want this job for what it is, not because it’s a paycheck. We’ll both be happier in the long run. Being bland and generic makes me despise you

Have you asked them what they meant? It's entirely possible they're just telling you you're a bitch (and fuck em if they are) but I'd be curious to know why they said that. I just started working in an office and found that the culture is really different that previous assignments. Happily, I'm in a profession where

I basically just trap people into being friends with a non creeper way :) But seriously, I’m 33 and 99% of my friends are from work or volunteer stuff so they’re basically stuck with me. I also like to “do” stuff as opposed to just wander about. Museum tours, cooking classes, alumni stuff- I like things with a

Why does it get confusing? You’re engaged. A ring doesn't make you any more or less engaged. Deciding to get married is what does that.

Thanks you guys!!

Super random big boobed girl question- I recently started running (not just dicking around on the elliptical) and cannot for the life of me find a sports bra that works. Any recs? I feel like I have to hold my breasts when I run!

If the rental mom moves 800 miles from my brothers and I to live near my sister because she’s the only one who has kids AND THAT’S THE ONLY THING THAT IS IMPORTANT IN LIFE, I guess I can just save my money...

Lysistrata as inspiration? Yes, please! Man, I love Iceland. It's just such a beautiful place with super chill people. We just moved into a cheap place to save money and buying a condo in Iceland is on the list of things I want to save for.

That was my grandmother’s reaction! She got married as a 17 year old back in the 40’s and told me she wished she had the option. I felt pretty cool.

A guy I was training at work once went on a rant about women who don’t change their names. We’re in a pretty conservative industry so his odds were good...until I asked him if he’d met my husband (also a coworker so it wasn’t random) and told him his last name which is different than mine. I mostly just thought it was

Kourtney also has a college degree.

If you’re local, it’s Reagan. People would look at you if you said National and say “where? Oh, Reagan, right.”