Agent Jack Bauer, junkyard cat

"Harlem Globetrotter, does that name mean nothing to you?"

"Staring at the Brown & Williamson building, it's all dark except the tenth floor. That's the legal department. That's where they *fuck* with my life."

Jimmy is a fundamentally decent person who is addicted to doing things the easy/shady way. Todd was a sociopath with a very convincing human suit. Him killing Andrea while Jesse is forced to watch still makes my stomach turn.

Sure but when Jimmy eventually got a great job at a serious law firm he still reverted to his old ways. Because that's what he's gonna do.

You're responsible for your own actions. What did Chuck do to make Jimmy intentionally crash and burn at Davis & Main?

Yeah, he's not a sociopath. He's a fundamentally decent person. But he'll do things his way because that's the easiest way and he'll convince himself that the world is against him and that he isn't hurting anyone who doesn't deserve it, and, if he does, he can always fix it. But both of those are lies he's telling

How did Chuck sabotage Jimmy at Davis & Main?

Are we gonna keep blaming Chuck, even after his death? It's an honest question. Because Jimmy is obviously gonna keep doing shitty things, and I just want to know how people are going to rationalize it.

People gave him a chance at Davis & Main. In the end, he's gonna do things his way, which will inevitably lead to somebody getting hurt.

He was the bad guy. Nothing revealed there was a lie. He pitted a bunch of elderly women against their friend so he could isolate and emotionally manipulate her because he wanted money.

Also, he got a great job at a serious law firm. And, eventually, he did things his way, because that's what he's gonna do.

The last two seasons have debuted in mid to late July so hopefully we're only a few weeks away.

Jimmy is a grown man. If not getting a job at a relatively prestigious law firm off of an online degree from the University of American Samoa is all it takes then, like I said, he's gonna revert to his old ways when he feels the world is against him.

Well his reputation deserves to be destroyed. Nothing revealed was a lie.

Chuck's speech to Jimmy reminded me of a quote from Aaron Paul's character on Bojack Horseman:
"You can't keep doing this! You can't keep doing shitty things, and then feel bad about yourself like that makes it okay! You need to be better!"

Also the look of hurt in Howard's eyes before he told Chuck "You win." God, I just wanted to give little Hamlindigo Blue a hug.

Uhh I get sad enough thinking about Jimmy and Kim falling apart without that added on top. Every sweet scene with them makes me smile then get really bummed out.

Her temporary suffering was just some collateral damage.

Ep 160: Fed Ex Flight 705 is an absolutely insane story. Best to go in cold but, as a warning, it contains some descriptions of graphic violence.

For a while I thought he was going to be the person Hank mentions Tuco knifing in Breaking Bad but that was just part of the prison fight.