Agent Jack Bauer, junkyard cat

His Mother's Day tweet was some horrifying unintentional comedy:
"My mother said when spanking me "one day u will thank me for this!" So THANKS! Wish u were here to see your great grandkids! Happy MD"

Ehh Josh is a moderately sized douche. He's incredibly self involved. But yeah he's not malicious about it. Just a flawed dude.
Of course Father Brah is an angel. A pothead angel.

Josh Chan and Father Brah on Crazy Ex Girlfriend are two more good examples

I mean, he accepted death as a possibility of going out with her, so he was all in from the start.
I hope the show doesn't go down the "crazy ex-girlfriend seeks revenge" route. It'd be funnier if he's just so terrified of her and goes along with whatever she says that she finds him to be boring as shit and dumps him.

I was bummed that he didn't get to be class clown like he thought. The idea of that made him really happy.
Also I love that he rejected the idea that he was made a Professor at Stanford as ridiculous. That's where he draws the line.

Hahaha that seems really dark though.

"I'm gonna let him have this one. All right, uh well, I'm sorry to hear that, Future Me. What a terrible thing. I'll talk to you in several years."

"This is actually just Jian-Yang pranking me. I should take it. Yes, of course I have frogs' legs. Why do you ask?"

I'd argue that the Legends of Ruck and Freddy Krueger getting called into HR are both funny all the way through

Yeah this one didn't work but the Legends of Alan Ruck is still makes me laugh like an idiot

They had Neko Case on a while back.

Letting Trump lower the bar is a staggeringly bad idea

One guy who was there found a notebook dropped by one of the organizers. On one of the pages with food/drink there's an entry that just says: "Chips ?"

Yeah one of the best parts is that it's such a literal embodiment of how fake this whole mindless scene of conspicuous consumption and social media vanity is.

I don't know, white liberals circling the wagons to rationalize de facto segregation is pretty entertaining.

Funnily enough, John Oliver, who worked with both Bee and Jones for a long time, did a main segment on that, and specifically pointed out that New York State is the most segregated system in the country, due in large part to New York City.

"Most white Americans I have encountered, they have no—I'm sure they have nothing whatever against negroes. That is not—that's really not the question. You know, the question is really a kind of apathy and ignorance which is a price we pay for segregation. That's what segregation means. It—you don't know what's

"I don't think she should be free from criticism but who really cares enough to criticize her on this?" Sounds like a cop out

Wait, so now anyone who makes a habit of criticizing Trump, who is a massive hypocrite, is free from criticism for being a, possibly inadvertent, hypocrite?

Is she trying on this issue though?