Agent Jack Bauer, junkyard cat

The king ordered it!

Sidney Purcell for me.
"You know, I am from Oil, but that doesn't mean I don't care about my children's future, or their children's future."
*Selina walks away*
*To Amy* "I don't have any children. I have a niece, but I fuckin' hate her."

"Look down there. Would you really feel any pity if one of those…dots stopped moving forever? If I offered you twenty thousand pounds for every dot that stopped, would you really, old man, tell me to keep my money, or would you calculate how many dots you could afford to spare? Free of income tax, old man. Free of

From Parks and Recreation:
'The Time Traveler's Optometrist.' A heartwarming story about a caveman eye doctor who travels to present-day Cincinnati and can see everything but love

Yeah one of the terrifying parts of that book is how Larson lays out how easy it was for people, especially young women, to just disappear back then.

That was more like in Office Space where they stop paying Milton and put his desk in the basement

"This doesn't put an end to shit, you fuckin' retard. This is just the fuckin' start. Why don't you put that on your 'Good Morning Missouri' fuckin' wake up broadcast, bitch."
Here's hoping that's her Oscar clip

You misspelled MacGruber

You'll be hearing from Richard Hell and the Voidoids

An Amazing Dowd

There were quite a few cringe worth moments in the early years too.
Voice-over from the pilot:
*Dexter looks down at empty donut box* "Just like me…empty inside."

Yeah I've only seen him in this, where he plays such a shitty, terrifying man, and in Generation Kill, where he plays one of the most fundamentally decent characters I can think of, and he knocks it out of the park in both.

Yeah there were two empty shot glasses in front of her on the fire pit

I'll always end up singing the theme song when working around the yard.
"My dreams are all dead, and buried. Sometimes I wish the sun would just explode. When God comes, and calls me to his kingdom, I'll take all you sons of bitches when I go. Let 'er blow!"

So if Brie Larson married Allison Brie, then married deceased author Steig Larsson, then burnt down a cheese shop, the headline would be 'Brie Larson-Brie-Larsson's Brie Arson?'

Well she's the breadwinner and Pete does open mics so I doubt he can afford to keep the house.

“I once played Frederick Douglass in a one-woman show that the University of Maryland Diamondback called “Too confusing to be offensive.” —Liz Lemon

NBC: We just found out about Chicago four years ago, and we're *very* into it.

Yeah the show does seem to require some knowledge about Holmes(raised super religious, married the first woman he had sex with at 22) and requires you to imagine him as a 28 year old(the age he was when his marriage fell apart), rather than a 38 year old(the age he currently is).