
that was my thought exactly!!!

maybe it’s because i grew up with 3 older sisters but i can’t understand why the black men (who were catching hell themselves for serving) were hostile to their sisters in arms. i wished they would have praised them.

your right. i just saw a lot of dust swirling around. too bad for him then.

that flatbedder did an awesome job securing his load!! nothing came off.

that’s what i’ve been thinking about lately; people moving out of major cities and filtering into the nooks and crannies of america, screwing up political demographic strongholds.

our governor in ohio just signed a law that will let anyone over 21 purchase a gun and conceal it without any training.

exactly! i kinda deflated a little when i saw they used whopper jr. sized meat for probably 4 ish bucks. not sure if i would spend even more for just a sandwich at burger king though

haha yup

a few years ago, i used to visit an online travel zine and daydream about an alternative life. there were year long cruises that go all over for about $20,000 per person.

my wife noticed the same thing and stuck her hand in my face today. her nails have always been short and brittle. she is excited to have decent looking nails now.

yes that was it. haha the first time i did it, i was like ‘when is this going to end?’

really loved grid 2. (even though burnout 3 is still the best)

ok so, i right clicked and used the ‘read aloud ‘ option for the latin parts. now my computer is acting all weird.

whoa, wait, it made it??!! hot dang!

greed comes in all colors but my goodness, you know you’re being watched and scrutinized by powerful haters... WTF BLM?

i’m sure you guys noticed that he did not strap himself in. haha. i’m not judging cause i would have been too excited to strap in also.

this is scary. i’ve rented hertz in the past. now i have to look over my shoulder for a possible arrest and the ruination of my commercial driving career. someone needs to make them hertz!

exactly!! netflix has a blurb along with the thumbnail image saying “it’s official, a new season is coming” that’s been like a year now.

true. i guess at this point contact tracing is almost a moot point.

um..what did we expect from her florida trip?