
Hi Kristen!

Lmao the word “They” can’t be used to describe a group of people?

Can you back ANY of that with anything other than “Tesla said...!”??

Lol, no. I will not have faith.

I will say this until the day I die:

As if you could if you wanted to hahahaha. 

Oh pleeeeeeeeease crash. I just wanna see that fucker launch 50 feet off a mountain. Not because I hate robots. Not at all.

That one guy lit on fire with the quickness!

I did because fuck RX-7's in every capacity. And I dare you to try and take any sort of card from me. :) Good day!

Sounds like the issues with Stafford Motor Speedway in Connecticut. The surrounding people want it destroyed even though its’ been there for uh...

Ohh ho ho. 10/10. Good shit my dude. 

I love how people just ignored your well thought out comment. I did not. Well said. 

I like it. People are stupid. 

I don’t hate this. Why does everyone hate this?!?

Almost 40g’s for a Camry huh?

I love this in every way. 

God..king??? hahaha I dunno about all that.

Basing an entire judgement on a group of based off the actions of few. I thought black people were okay, but now I know they’re just retarded. Fuckin’ ridiculous.

Yeeouch! Do you think a lot of the rusted metal could be saved?

Nailed it.