
Seeing Mr. Iwata in this picture twinged my heart a bit. That dude and Miyamoto are practically the creators of my childhood.

Lmao she was trying to do that thing with the word play she usually does. However, you just savaged the shit out of it.

Sweet jesus this car will fetch a HELL of a price.


Yeah the fruit down low is always the best for grabbing.

I’ll grab yours any day, baby.

Butt fuck them, indeed.

I have literally no empathy for streamers.

Yes he does!

“Your Father didn’t get fired because of a Tesla.” “How so!?” “BECAUSE I AM YOUR FATHER!!!!”

He. Is. Fucking . Evil.

Thor: Ragnarok.

Ugh my heart.

10/10 would drive little bike.

I mean, I think they should just go full Tesla on this.

I have one in my yard. Interior needs work but it’s in good shape.

Tony Angelo is the fucking man. And he’s a great wrencher.

Never even made it to the road! Some of those are near impossible to register. You can do it, just takes forever.

Fuckin’ nailed it.

I would like to give you a very big hug.