
Progressives get angry about injustice. Right-wingers get angry when they’re prevented from committing injustices.

If it’s not self-evident to you the degree to which the entire promise of her candidacy is premised on a willful suspension of disbelief, I don’t know what to tell you.

when you’re [sic] candidacy is based around the idea that all things are achievable through engagement and hard work—even things that everybody knows are not achievable

I’m calling her a vulnerable candidate.

Yeah, anger is definitely the wrong tactic.

I spent the morning sitting in an ER waiting room (fortunately everything’s fine now), and there was a TV playing CNBC right above me. Everybody kept going back to Warren and (to a lesser extent) Sanders and the “War on Wealth.”

ok boomer

SERIOUSLY. My mental health has absolutely cratered since Nov 8 2016, and I am sick and tired of being so exhausted and stressed and angry all the time. Good leaders ARE angry when their ____ (country, business, etc.) has been run into the group and possibly irreversibly damaged by an utter moron.

Warren’s slogan: “Dream Big, Fight Hard”

It’s the same ridiculous tone policing that white men have been doing for eons. And note that Bernie Sanders literally yells (which I’m absolutely fine with btw) and he is rarely taken to task for it. Warren is even tempered in comparison, but that doesn’t stop the tone policing.

Isn't Biden's entire platform "I will fight Trump in the parking lot"? The difference is Warren wants to fight for the people and Biden just wants to be a tough guy for his own ego.

Joe, do you want to know what the most elite thing you can do in America?

SSSHHHHHH don’t give them any ideas. Otherwise, Michael Bay or Dinesh D’Souza will option “Last Stand of the Tin Can Sailors” from James Hornfischer and make Roland Emmerich look like frickin’ Scorcese.

At least Dunkirk had Nolan going for it.

The actual story of the Battle of Midway is absolutely tailor-made for a Hollywood movie - or even a short-run miniseries, to be honest, given all of the twists and turns of the story.

Now playing

Because CGI studios are shitty sweatshops that aren’t unionized, have the worst contract agreements in the entertainment industry and is filled with workers suffering under crunch times?

Nah, man. People who have pets and genuinely love them and form a connection — you know when something’s wrong. I had a cat who greeted me every single morning, and the day he didn’t, I went to find him, and he was sick. After two animal hospitals and a specialist, I found out he had Parvo, and he didn’t make it.

You've never had a dog, or a pet? Or did you get up this morning an decide to be an arsehole? Ffs!

Rugby league players for their thighs (their faces suffer somewhat due to the nature of the game)