
Ah a holdout I see. I thought we had lost the last “California is about to go bankrupt” people years ago. Your perseverance with this objectively wrong opinion in the face of actual facts is quite admirable!

Clearly, a better financial plan would be posting sex tapes of wrestlers against their will and getting sued into oblivion.

Jesus dude that was clearly snark

OMFG. The jerseys, worn by men, don’t come in women’s designs!

Getting hit by a car is massively underrated on this list.

“The brand”????

The thing with parades - they happen once a year and go away. And they aren’t breaking the law.

On commenter above gave a particularly insane take on this before admitting that she lives in a white suburb.

Just curious your thoughts on the following, said to black families moving into white neighborhoods:

Simple solution, ghetto thugs - move the fuck back to the ‘hood instead of trying to turn the ‘burbs into them!

Ummm...this article supposedly telling “her side of the story” is in a news item entitled “White lady from hell...”.

Yes, all of this. If you can make fun of Mackenzie, I can make fun of Shaniqua. If black people can engage in publicly shaming white people for moving into “their” neighborhood, white people can engage in publicly shaming black people for moving into “their” neighborhood.


This comes across as picking on white people who have the gall to move into a black neighborhood.

So you had the truck once park for an hour, which is clearly the same thing as having it camp out every single day.

To be fair, the werewolf doesn’t kneel like an asshole during the anthem. Sure, he’ll occasionally lunge violently to slash someone’s throat, but always on two feet like a proper patriot.

No one who isn’t a moron’s moron thinks he might not be a murderer.

Well, Markelle Fultz is receiving $1.5m this year from Nike. So let’s assume Lonzo could have made that too. You can start by assuming 50% margin, so you would have to sell $3m of shoes to make $1.5m.

Yes, boyfriends tend to be temporary when you go out of your way to make them sick when they enter your home.

New character comes out and isn’t perfectly balanced: “WHY DON’T THEY GET THIS RIGHT THESE IDIOTS”.

mmm....tastes like...roach?