I got the Age of Triumph shirt, too. It's probably the nerdiest thing I own, but I earned that shirt, goddamnit!
I got the Age of Triumph shirt, too. It's probably the nerdiest thing I own, but I earned that shirt, goddamnit!
It's fine, but just like GoT, don't go into it expecting sunshine and roses.
All of those games are two broken legs long.
Morrigan is cool, but romancing her is hard. Turns out to be a good little romance, but it took a lot of work.
It still sucks, but any bit of extra damage you can do is welcome. It's also "weak" against holy. So, use the fire damage charm on your weapon and apply the holy weapon paper buff for extra damage. Hit and roll. Roll a lot.
The dragon was such a pain for a melee build, but wasn't too bad with my mage. Who knew a fire-breathing dragon would be weak to fire?
I just finished Salt & Sanctuary—the 2D, side scrolling, Dark Souls clone—and, man, that's a hell of a game! Challenging throughout without seeming unfair (well, except the Disembowled Husk), a wide variety of unique enemies, and plenty of weapons to make any build viable. I went with a mage, which was weak at first,…
Yeah, I know I came off harsher than intended. If I hated the game, I wouldn't have played it (and completed almost every mission) for 70 hours. It's a shame because, like the article says, there are some big loose threads left hanging. Actually intriguing ones, too.
Damn. You're right.
Me too. It's a shame. EA really fucked this one up.
I agree with that quote.
Sample of dialogue:
Exactly. They had the perfect template with ME2 and ME3. I understand the need to change things up a bit, but those two games were outstanding from a gameplay perspective. Tweak those, make your own spin on them, and you've got a good game.
This is a very good point. There was nothing compelling to do on the planets, just like in ME1. That's all this game was: an ME1 reboot and they need an ME2-like overhaul to save the franchise.
Who are you and what have you done with Naked Snake?!
I found this out very late into the game. Before that I would stand up, wait for the harpies to swoop down and swing at them with my sword. There was a lot of swinging and falling out of the boat. When I found out about the casual crossbow shooting, it changed my life.
Anytime I saw glinthawks I knew I was in for a frustrating fight.
"For example, my highest ranking sniper Stuntman Mike is quite fittingly a one man wrecking crew laying waste to every alien he sees, from Alien to ET."
I finished Mass Effect: Andromeda last weekend and I have some thoughts. Overall, it is not a bad game and if you like the original trilogy (especially ME1), you'll "enjoy" this one. I put enjoy in quotes for a reason. The main story missions were pretty intriguing and the team loyalty missions were good, for the…
Euchre frickin' rules. This is a known scientific fact.