
Besides the radio guy, there are a couple main characters that have reservations and one that flat out hates the idea of The Division. There's a twist (because of course there is), which validates people's fears: Division agents going rogue and muddies the waters even further.

I got Oxenfree and Lifeless Planet on PSN's holiday sale, so I'll definitely be trying that out. I'm also thinking of catching up on The Witcher 3: Blood & Wine and Uncharted 4 because I need to finish those games. It'll be a busy couple of weeks.

Oh a ton. In the safe house strewn across Manhattan, there is pirate radio playing. The host has several tirades about your organization and the moral implications.

I liked The Division because the game actually did datalogs well. One of the ways you find out about the horrors of the Green Poison virus spreading is by finding abandoned cell phones littering Manhattan and listening to their voice mails. In particular, one stood out to me: The series of messages starts out as a

I don't think The Division deserves to be on the list, but then I read about how Ubisoft almost killed the game in the early going and I don't blame people one bit. The recent changes make it quite enjoyable.

I chose Dark Souls 3 because I love From games. I have put off playing Overwatch, but I heard nothing but good things about it. I cannot argue, unless I try it.

I don't think I would enjoy playing Hitman more than reading your recaps of the game.

I cannot argue with the Top 10 game choices. The Gameological community knows their shit.

The first quarter is loaded with so many potentially great games I won't have time to spend with my family.

I got an SRL helmet for my Warlock and it looks great. So, I guess SRL is good for Fashion Souls.

I recently purchased XCOM 2 and was stoked to play it. My second mission was a full wipe. So, my team of choice would be any combo that doesn't die in 10 minutes.

That's what this is. The sparrows help you get from point A to point B on large maps, but that's all they are and all they should be. I never knew anyone that said driving the sparrows are the best part of Destiny. I will say that the sparrows handle better than the Mako, but are not indestructible like the Mako.

It's actually pretty good for a cover based shooter. Some parts are crazy hard and enemies can be quite bullet sponge-y, but I'm enjoying it. People I play with say it is definitely a marked improvement.

Hearts of Stone was great, but I fired up Blood & Wine, played through like 20 cutscenes, turned it off, and haven the touched it since. Maybe playing mindless quick games, like Destiny, had ruined my patience for slow, wandering RPGs.

Is it free for PS4?

I will be playing Destiny to get in on that pointless Sparrow Racing League action. Nothing like shoehorning a no-stakes Mario Kart into an FPS. It's sooooo dumb, but I am actually good at it and the loot is good.

Nah, It's fine. I'm just trying to keep off the Internet for a while, so I can make an alright impression. I'm keeping that safe word just in case, though.

My new job has prevented me from being on here in quite some time, but just know that the Gameological Block & Tackle Fantasy Football League is still a thing. Here's a brief update: Smilner's drafting strategy of getting 6 QBs turned out to be genius and he's killing it; my team is horribly mediocre; Duwease is still

I will be continuing my adventures of putting poor people in their place in The Division. A new patch came out on Tuesday and introduced a new difficulty setting (World Tier 5). Oh man, is it more difficult. There are roving bands of gangs/patrols all over the place. Multiple times my group would be fighting a boss

I'm quite new to it, so I apparently missed out on a lot of its problems. Honestly, it feels like Fetch Quest: The Game, which is fine right now, but I can see it getting old if nothing new is introduced. I have yet to go to the Dark Zone, but I hear that area is kind of bullshit with other players trying to kill you