
Absolutely! It's just such a great game!

The only Packer he doesn't have is Rodgers. Y'know, the most important one.

Yeah, building your entire roster around a single NFL team is rough. I admire that Otakunomike's sticking to his guns, though. All of his trades have been to get more Packers.

The ending to The Last of Us is very powerful and stuck with me for days, after I finished it. It may not have been the "best" outcome, but the ending was true to the characters' motivations and personalities. Naughty Dog knocked it out of the park on this one.

Yep, he will consistently put up 45 points/game. You can take that to the bank!

There is always next year, since we can easily expand the league! Yes, there was a bit of a kerfuffle over a selected name a couple of weeks ago and it was decided to tone it down just a bit. All of us pray we do not come in last place, when Trumpkin comes out on top.

I would say I've got this, but after last night's game I'm not confident. Luck going up against Denver does not bode well for my team.

I think you more than earned a stud for that one.

On November 2, 2015, Week 8 of the Gameological Block & Tackle Fantasy Football League Trumpkin fell from glory. TheKappa slew the mighty beast and there was much rejoicing (yay). Here are the results:

Is that the gimmick? I never played Magicka 1, so I know nothing about the series.

I've only ever played the PS1 version, so I'm picking up what you're putting down.

Yeah, but I've never done that before. I usually run with one knight, two chemists (one being Mustado), one mage, and whatever class I select for Ramza. I never use any of the knights like Aegis or Orlandu.


Good luck on the presentation!

The other free PSN game, Magicka 2, is terribly annoying. I felt myself dying a little inside, during the introduction. The most annoying part is the introduction is in English, but the characters in the game speak a nonsense language and they have text boxes translating what they said. WHY?! Just get rid of the

If she won't drink the gin and scotch, can I have it?

I'm pouring some chicken soup in an envelope and sending it your way. Get better, man!

Well, if you would have chosen to be an Argonian, you wouldn't need a stupid Waterbreathing tome!

You can't get the DLC on 360?! That's bullshit.

I want to try an all black mage run in FFT. I'm thinking I'd get slaughtered pretty early on, until I learn Throw Potion.