
I used guides, as well. There's no shame in it.

Same here. I got it down to maybe three hits on the first try, misread a move, died horribly, then it dominated me the next 20 or so times I faced it.


That or email them? See the link.

I want to fight a Dark Souls robot!

That'd be a good article, you should pitch it to them.

I agree. I play these games because I like action RPGs and the atmosphere is really cool. That the game happens to have very challenging combat is besides the point. Too each their own, I guess, but it seems silly to decry the series because quite a few people (including the Gameological staff) like to

Logarius was a great fight. Ebrietas made me want to break things.

I have and Vanguard is very good. The Lift and Warp combo is killer and Shockwave is very effective against Husks. In ME3, Vanguards have an option to select an additional power; select Flare an thank me later.

I second Cainhurst. You get some really good gear there, too.

It's the little things like that and the sky permanently changing after the fight with Rom. Just enough to give you pause and proceed with caution. What a great atmospheric game!

I completely agree. Gaol is menacing from the get-go, while the Lecture Building is spooky. The ectoplasm students wearing mortarboards certainly diffuse tension, too.

Witcher 3 is the only one I played and the codices/backstory conversations with characters caught me up with what was going on. Oh and this helped, too:

So, what game would you like them to write about?

There is another part where you get transported to another area. If you turn right at the Grand Cathedral and make your long way down the hill, you will eventually enter another very large empty chamber with a door on the other side. As soon as you open it, a ghostly had picks you up, crushes you, and the screen

Is this Josh Modell?

This song makes me want to vomit with rage.

Thank you, internet! I needed that, after last night's The Walking Dead.

Have you ever faced an Asari commando unit before?

I concur. I guess I should've specified the mechanics were what I had a problem with.