
Igni's level 2 option, where it is a constant jet of flame, also works on shield bearers when they try to strike you. They also drop their shield completely, while they're turning to put the fire out.

You could always bump the difficulty down, there's no shame in it. I didn't bump it back up until I was level 10 and drowners weren't wrecking my shit on a regular basis.

I don't have any video game plans, this weekend. I may play a little Witcher 3 to get used to the combat again, in preparation for the first big DLC. Maybe get some Bloodborne training in the Chalice Dungeons for its upcoming DLC, as well.

For my money the horse racing music ("Cloak & Dagger" by Percival) in The Witcher 3 is pretty rousing travelling music:

I shot him in the head to see what would happen. Lo and behold he fucking died like anyone would. Like everyone else, I did not save and reloaded the game for the exact reasons you mentioned.

When the burlap sack-wearing, chainsaw-wielding man makes his entrance?

The Merchant became my best friend once he sold me the Tommy Gun and rocket launcher with infinite ammo. What a friendly arms dealer!

Their rhythm section was the best part of the band. Replacing Matt Tong is not an easy task.

You shouldn't worry, the dude seems indestructible.

The soldiers in this episode have worse aim than Storm Troopers.

I used him the first time I played the game, but refuse to now. Him obliterating everything in three turns is just not fun.

Which is exactly what happened to me on the second boss. Beyond frustrating.

Cid is the best, although I call dibs on Final Fantasy Tactics Cid!

If Trumpkin wins again, we might officially have identified the villain in our league. Then all of us will have to band together to take down the Big Bad, JRPG-style (even though I think most of us are in are 30s).

I know! My backup is friggin' Foles and the top rated free agent QB is Johnny Football. My team performed admirably, but there's nothing you can do when your opponent puts up 163 points.

My team has a severe case of the Flacco and it flared-up last night. I'm not going to do so well, this week.

I think it was originally brought up in the Steam Group, during the initial set-up. At least it's just for a week.

Two weeks is a long time to come up with a constant stream of portmanteaus.

A game I was discussing earlier today: Vagrant Story. Interesting story, but the combat was obtuse. Just change the weapons system and combat to that of your typical action RPG and it would be a great game.

It was all fun and games until Trumpkin used the nuclear option on Duwease.