
If you have a way to cheese a boss in any Souls game, you take that cheese and say "thank you".

But does the cat care?

I am continuing my elf Mage adventures in Dragon Age: Inquisition. Being both of those things definitely adds more to the story than being a boring human, like my first character. I'm also romancing Josephine, which is more interesting than I thought it would be.

Great explanation and good alternatives! Sounds like you're doing a heck of a job with that class.

Add Adelaide Clemens as the third sister in the Michelle Williams/Carrie Mulligan movie.

Good point. It sounds like the game nails the perspective on brotherhood, but misses the boat on even basic female characterization (even female spider-monster characterization). That shouldn't be a difficult thing.

Well, then, order me up some crow.

I've never played this, but it sounds like you had an understandably visceral reaction to this game. I had a similar reaction to the very beginning of Hotline Miami 2 and it ended up completely ruining the game for me.

I've never played this game (mainly because the control schematic sounds a bit too much like rubbing your stomach and patting yourself on the head), but this excellent article got me thinking about the relationship my brother and I have. Sure he can be a jerk (an older brother, of course), but thinking about climbing

Then I've missed that explanation in every article I've read about it. I don't even think they mentioned finding the center of the universe at E3. Everything I heard is the game is about space prospecting and upgrading your ship with no mention of an end goal.

So there is a kinda-sorta plot: find the center of the universe. Why did it take them so long to mention something as vague as this?

Touché. Also, Luigi isn't handsome enough to be Zeppo.

So, Salvatore is that family's Zeppo?

Add Eternal Darkness to that list, too.

The A.V. Club

The Crest Shield has high magic defense (and 100% physical) and could be helpful in that fight. If I remember correctly, Manus is weak against lightning, so gold pine resin could be helpful.

The Painted world is one of my least favorite levels in Dark Souls, mainly because the zombies (and especially the bloated ones) seem way overpowered. I get that it should be expected, since you're later in the game and should expect to absorb said damage, but the base enemy in the game shouldn't be able to wreck

Cassandra is the way to go in the romance department (as is Dorian). I have a tendency to let Blackwall rot in jail, since I draw the line of murdering children. Choosing to sacrifice the Chargers is like choosing to shoot Mordin in the head in Mass Effect 3; I just can't bring myself to do either.

Did you finally beat Manus?

I concur. Especially after going through the Emeral Graves and Exalted Planes. Humans are the worst.